Words and phrases that have a meaning related to aquiline: (144 results)
Often used in the same context:
lantern jaw, mutton chop, ringlet, rubicund, rheumy, hawklike, protuberant, dwarfish, leonine, masklike, tufty, rouged, bladelike, prehensile, gnomish, goatish, sandpapery, stippled, bandy legs, thickset, epicene, inexpressive, walleyed, freckly, darkish, aristocratically, upswept, squinty, blondish, trembly, bewhiskered, saturnine, scaleless, ratlike, purpled, gracile, hieratic, doglike, wasp waist, pendulous, snaggletooth, mouthless, rakish, bristly, complexioned, elfish, chinless, glottal stop, vulpine, fleshless, lissom, donnish, stubbly, lumpish, wraithlike, archetypally, bicolored, tousle, pouchy, unshapely, seraphic, waxen, humpbacked, fauxhawk, browed, apelike, raptorial, wispy, striated, hennaed, jawless, lucent, danseur noble, mannerist, spectacled, lank, plumaged, dullish, uncombed, coiffured, chiselled, angular, dandified, flowerlike, cumulus cloud, owlish, max beerbohm, ripply, bearlike, vandyke beard, clownlike, roundish, stockinged, bodiced, etiolated, saddleback, recognisable, flaxen, peroxide blonde, lambent, byronic, recurved, chin, nose, barb, cheekbones, eyebrows, moustaches, plaits, pleats, silhouette, strokes, brows, brushstrokes, forehead, noses, rapier, serifs, shoulders, striations, wrinkles, backwards, birdlike, expressionless, statuesque, inquisitive, negroid, rounder, chiseled, comely, dour, pinched, impassive, prepossessing, boyish, demure, downcast, graceful, languid
Appears in the definition of:
Also try:hook-nosed, hooknose, roman nose
— Nouns for aquiline: nose, features, noses, face, profile, type, eye, curve, faces, beak, countenance, more...
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