Words and phrases that have a meaning related to allegoric: (121 results)
Often used in the same context:
ludic, magic realist, dantesque, allegorical, epical, oneiric, sophoclean, originary, torquato tasso, pantomimic, puranic, phantasmic, tableau vivant, diachronic, fictive, aleatory, hieratic, suprematist, anthological, tableaux vivants, essayistic, zoomorphic, demoniac, apparitional, ideational, kabbalistic, mythological, aphoristic, literalized, incommunicable, desolating, diagrammatic, demoniacal, depthless, expressional, cubistic, jan van eyck, symbolist, poetic, anomic, leon battista alberti, paul verlaine, reified, grand guignol, architectonic, denotative, compendious, fantastical, polymorphous, wordsworthian, max beerbohm, vedic literature, mannerist, phantasmagoric, homonymous, imagist, unnameable, illuminative, classical mythology, macrocosmic, grisaille, daliesque, arcadian, tragical, poetical, dionysiac, unpeopled, dantean, midrashic, prehistorical, vivifying, contrastive, effacing, metaphysical, responsorial, nameable, pictorial representation, greek mythology, overdetermined, epiphanic, iconographic, dostoevskian, hypnagogic, ex voto, eidetic, orphic, connotative, unnamable, memento mori, liminal, dramatis personae, modest mussorgsky, humoristic, changeless, dostoyevskian, refulgent, profounder, simone weil, gaulish, hieronymus bosch, spiritualized, cowled, symbolical, emblematic, allusive, emblematical, mythic, surrealistic, figurative, symbolic, metaphorical, anthropomorphic, evocative, hieroglyphic, ideographic, conventionalized, expressionistic, nonrepresentational, romanticized, stylised
Also try:representative
— Nouns for allegoric: figures, interpretation, meaning, figure, method, form, sense, significance, poem, interpretations, personages, more...
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