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Things wakeful often describes (“wakeful ________”)
night, state, nights, hours, eyes, eye, moments, nightingale, consciousness, hour, life, periods, mind, sings, ness, anguish, states, attention, activity, sleep, child, ear, condition, period, bird, world, dream, dogs, experience, thoughts, ones, soul, vigilance, swoon, spirit, influence, baby, person, heart, moment, jealousy, ears, conscience, awareness, dreams, trump, mood, dreaming, patient, care, rest, watches, custody, thought, misery, brain, mother, birds, moon, imagination, bloodhound, shepherd, senses, doze, reality, vision, sentinel, babies, raven, infant, vigil, foe, animal, anxiety, dudley, watch, guard, hope, living, experiences, intelligence, presence, alertness

How wakeful often is described (“________ wakeful”)

Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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