Words and phrases that rhyme with villages: (5 results)
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (23 results)
3 syllables:
images, principals, trichomanes, businesses, citizen's, citizens, criminals, differences, distances, instances, principles, privileges, spillikins, witnesses, finishes, gingrich's
images, principals, trichomanes, businesses, citizen's, citizens, criminals, differences, distances, instances, principles, privileges, spillikins, witnesses, finishes, gingrich's
6 syllables:
jehovah's witnesses
jehovah's witnesses
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— Adjectives for villages: other, many, small, several, indian, neighbouring, few, rural, remote, large, little, more...
— People also search for: hamlets, towns, villagers, huts, communities, kiliwa, monasteries, farmlands, countryside, communes, hinterland, more...
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