Common multi-word phrases that nearly rhyme with toll-free:
2 syllables:
aux v,
boehm b,
bold fmri,
both be,
both free,
both he,
both pre,
both she,
broke free,
bs foci,
closed sea,
close he,
clothed me,
clothes free,
clothes he,
clothes she,
clothes tree,
coach zee,
coat tree,
code b,
code e,
code three,
coh bri,
cold tea,
cone key,
co he,
doe ne,
drone bee,
drove me,
goat tree,
go see,
hold me,
home free,
home he,
home she,
home tree,
home we,
hoped he,
hoped she,
hope he,
hope she,
hope we,
jmo t,
joe c,
known he,
known me,
known she,
knows he,
knows me,
knows she,
knows we,
know he,
know me,
know she,
know thee,
know we,
loaned me,
lone tree,
lote tree,
low c,
low e,
low gi,
low key,
lo key,
mndo c,
mndo d,
mndo he,
mon key,
most free,
most he,
most we,
mo di,
mo ti,
mo tse,
mo zi,
mro t,
ms dhoni,
nkf doqi,
nosc d,
nose key,
notes he,
note he,
no fee,
no free,
no me,
no pre,
oan be,
oap b,
oce p,
oe vlsi,
oge rpie,
oh rly,
old he,
old she,
old tree,
owed me,
owes me,
owe me,
own free,
o rly,
o rry,
phoned me,
phone tree,
pno ci,
post free,
post he,
po ci,
pro free,
quoth he,
quoth she,
road he,
road we,
roan tree,
role he,
role she,
rolf knie,
row b,
ryoan ji,
scold me,
showed he,
showed me,
shown me,
shows me,
shows three,
show he,
show me,
show thee,
snow flea,
snow free,
snow ski,
soccm d,
sold me,
so be,
so free,
so he,
so she,
so we,
so wie,
spoke he,
stone free,
stone me,
stow e,
those he,
those she,
those three,
those we,
though he,
though she,
though we,
throw me,
told he,
told me,
told she,
told thee,
toll free,
tso e,
vmpo dpmne,
vo ci,
woke me,
wrote me,
wrote three
7 syllables:
michael imperioli

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This experimental new tab on RhymeZone shows you phrases that might be good matches for your multi-syllable query word. For example, the word poetry produces phrase rhymes like boba tea and swollen knee and hopeful he and moments we. Some of these (like "boba tea") are single conceptual units, while others (like "hopeful he") are sentence fragments. Both kinds of results may be useful when writing slant rhymes that cross line boundaries, which are popular in hip hop lyrics and musical theater. Typically, RhymeZone's phrase rhymes are assonant (share vowel sounds) with the query word, with some degree of consonant match as well.

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