Words and phrases that rhyme with syneresis: (40 results)
4 syllables:
anuresis, apheresis, dieresis, enuresis, hyperpiesis, kinaesthesis, kinesthesis, somaesthesis, synaeresis
anuresis, apheresis, dieresis, enuresis, hyperpiesis, kinaesthesis, kinesthesis, somaesthesis, synaeresis
5 syllables:
arthrocentesis, chemokinesis, cytokinesis, diakinesis, diaphoresis, hyperkinesis, paracentesis, peloponnesus, photokinesis, plasmapheresis, plateletpheresis, psychokinesis, telekinesis, thoracentesis
arthrocentesis, chemokinesis, cytokinesis, diakinesis, diaphoresis, hyperkinesis, paracentesis, peloponnesus, photokinesis, plasmapheresis, plateletpheresis, psychokinesis, telekinesis, thoracentesis
6 syllables:
amniocentesis, aposiopesis, celiocentesis, electrophoresis, iontophoresis, karyokinesis, somatatesthesis, spondylolisthesis
amniocentesis, aposiopesis, celiocentesis, electrophoresis, iontophoresis, karyokinesis, somatatesthesis, spondylolisthesis
7 syllables:
9 syllables:
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (5 results)
3 syllables:
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— Adjectives for syneresis: vitreous, less, little, rapid, subsequent, excessive, spontaneous, extensive, strong, more, furthermore...
— People also search for: aggregation, channeling, clumping, darkening, desiccation, diuresis, evaporation, retraction, abrasion, agglomeration, blackening, more...
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