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Things sprightly often describes (“sprightly ________”)
conversation, wit, manner, dance, style, man, air, girl, youth, woman, lady, tone, sallies, mind, way, music, step, boy, fashion, dialogue, fellow, tune, song, runnings, child, grace, lad, humour, account, figure, letters, powers, humor, race, comedy, flavor, writer, disposition, voice, character, fancy, imagination, mood, turn, letter, gentleman, widow, strain, talk, vein, appearance, genius, maiden, vivacity, narrative, bird, companion, manners, wife, movement, horse, gait, notes, book, port, tunes, look, creature, story, soul, turns, eyes, movements, land, temper, airs, steps, melody, girls, friend, performance, piece, intelligence, flavour, pace, rhythm, tones, cheerfulness, lover, charm, countenance, verses, verse

How sprightly often is described (“________ sprightly”)
grave, sudden, own, general, fine, least

Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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