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Words and phrases that rhyme with schlitz:   (149 results)

1 syllable:
bits, bitts, bitz, blits, blitz, brits, britts, britz, chits, crits, critz, dibts, fits, fitts, fitz, flits, frits, fritts, fritz, fyttes, gets, glitz, grits, gritz, hits, hitz, hitze, hritz, it's, its, kits, kitts, kitz, klitz, knits, kritz, lits, litts, litz, mitts, nitz, pits, pitt's, pitts, pitz, plits, pritts, pritz, quits, ritt's, ritts, rittz, ritz, schmidt's, schmidts, schmitz, schnitz, sits, sitts, sitz, skits, slits, smits, snits, spits, spitz, splits, sprits, spritz, squits, stitz, tits, trits, tritz, twits, whits, wit's, wits, witts, witz, writs

2 syllables:
acquits, admits, ad blitz, armpits, befits, berlitz, bielitz, cesspits, cockpits, commits, demits, dendrites, emits, fuckwits, lipchitz, lititz, mark spitz, misfits, mishits, moritz, nitwits, obits, omits, outfits, outwits, ovitz, permits, refits, remits, rootkits, rosewicz, saint kitts, sandpits, stocktwits, submits, the pits, tomtits, toolkits, transmits, turnspits, unfits, unknits

3 syllables:
alpha-bits, baby-sits, counterfeits, dershowitz, hypocrites, intermits, intromits, manumits, megahits, readmits, resubmits, retransmits, retrofits, sabine schmitz, safety blitz, syndicats, tafelspitz, taylor fritz, wagon-lits, wagons-lits

4 syllables:
battle of wits, hominy grits, overcommits, sophisticates

5 syllables:
neal h. moritz, the banana splits

Words and phrases that almost rhyme :   (47 results)

1 syllable:
bliss, this, hiss, miss, cuisse, sis, vis, chris, kiss, mis, swiss, dis, suisse, this'

2 syllables:
brown swiss, dismiss, abyss, french kiss, amiss, remiss, dehisce, coulisse, soul kiss, at this, deep kiss, does this, in this, of this, on this, ophrys, premiss, scotch kiss, the swiss

3 syllables:
parti pris, kinesis, reminisce, candy kiss, cheremiss, chocolate kiss, chrysophrys, fleur-de-lis, hit-or-miss, lactophrys, parophrys

4 syllables:
molasses kiss

5 syllables:

6 syllables:
oceanic abyss

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