Words and phrases that almost rhyme with rizk:† (34 results)
2 syllables:
ram disk, hard disk, slipped disc, fixed disk, brake disk, eggwhisk, hard disc, high-risk, lutfisk
ram disk, hard disk, slipped disc, fixed disk, brake disk, eggwhisk, hard disc, high-risk, lutfisk
3 syllables:
compact disc, floppy disk, compact disk, basilisk, obelisk, odalisque, optic disc, run a risk
compact disc, floppy disk, compact disk, basilisk, obelisk, odalisque, optic disc, run a risk
5 syllables:
removable disk
removable disk
6 syllables:
audio compact disc
audio compact disc
7 syllables:
phonograph recording disk
Table of complete results:
phonograph recording disk
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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