Words and phrases that rhyme with rifle: (14 results)
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (14 results)
3 syllables:
arrival, revival, survival, reprisal, outrival, apprisal, despisal, devisal, revisal, surprisal
arrival, revival, survival, reprisal, outrival, apprisal, despisal, devisal, revisal, surprisal
5 syllables:
time of arrival
time of arrival
8 syllables:
letter of mark and reprisal
letter of mark and reprisal
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— Adjectives for rifle: automatic, long, new, old, heavy, own, loaded, loading, powered, good, caliber, more...
— People also search for: pistol, assault rifle, carbine, gun, colt pistol, shotgun, handgun, sniper rifle, automatic rifle, revolver, automatic pistol, more...
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