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Words and phrases that almost rhyme with retreating:   (64 results)

(These are near rhymes. For exact rhymes, click the "Rhymes" link above.)

2 syllables:
seeking, sweeping, weeping, shrieking, leaking, needing, ceding, seeping, speaking, creeping, leaping, pleading, feeding, sneaking, squeaking, reading, speeding, bleeding, reeking, sleeping, breeding, creaking, leading, keeping, beading

3 syllables:
safekeeping, receding, conceding, inbreeding, succeeding, impeding, misreading, intriguing, exceeding, misleading, preceding, subheading, proceeding, crossbreeding, dog breeding, horse breeding, ill-breeding, nonspeaking, self-seeking, spoonfeeding, unheeding, unsleeping

4 syllables:
interbreeding, public speaking, special pleading, broadly speaking, cattle breeding, love-lies-bleeding, out or keeping, overfeeding, status seeking, strictly speaking

5 syllables:
defective pleading, legal proceeding, manner of speaking, properly speaking

6 syllables:
alternative pleading, affirmative pleading, judicial proceeding

Table of complete results:

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