Words and phrases that rhyme with reinfections: (67 results)
10 letters:
affections, bijections, connexions, defections, deflexions, detections, directions, election's, infections, inflexions, injections, objections, refections, reflexions, rejections, selections
affections, bijections, connexions, defections, deflexions, detections, directions, election's, infections, inflexions, injections, objections, refections, reflexions, rejections, selections
11 letters:
collections, complexions, confections, connections, convections, corrections, deflections, dissections, inflections, inspections, midsections, objection's, projections, protections, reflections, subjections
collections, complexions, confections, connections, convections, corrections, deflections, dissections, inflections, inspections, midsections, objection's, projections, protections, reflections, subjections
13 letters:
bye-elections, disinfections, genuflections, imperfections, insurrections, intellections, interjections, intersections, introjections, misdirections, predilections, recollections, resurrections
bye-elections, disinfections, genuflections, imperfections, insurrections, intellections, interjections, intersections, introjections, misdirections, predilections, recollections, resurrections
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (4 results)
6 letters:
10 letters:
11 letters:
14 letters:
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— Try the advanced search interface for more ideas.
— Adjectives for reinfections: frequent, such, exogenous, symptomatic, subsequent, multiple, subclinical, successive, endogenous, constant, most, more...
— People also search for: reinfection, recurrences, renewals, assaults, bouts, concussions, dysrhythmias, exacerbations, intoxications, irrigations, more...
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