Words and phrases that almost rhyme with pusser:† (71 results)
(These are near rhymes. For exact rhymes, click the "Rhymes" link above.)
2 syllables:
pusher, woofer, bluffer, blusher, brother, buffer, buzzer, cover, crusher, duffer, glover, gusher, hover, lover, mother, other, plover, puffer, rather, smother, snuffer, souther, suffer, tougher, tussur, usher
pusher, woofer, bluffer, blusher, brother, buffer, buzzer, cover, crusher, duffer, glover, gusher, hover, lover, mother, other, plover, puffer, rather, smother, snuffer, souther, suffer, tougher, tussur, usher
3 syllables:
another, bed cover, big brother, blood brother, book lover, cloud cover, den mother, discover, dust cover, earth mother, floorcover, frame buffer, great mother, ground cover, half-brother, lens cover, print buffer, queen mother, recover, slipcover, soft-cover, some other, stepbrother, the other, uncover, wine lover
another, bed cover, big brother, blood brother, book lover, cloud cover, den mother, discover, dust cover, earth mother, floorcover, frame buffer, great mother, ground cover, half-brother, lens cover, print buffer, queen mother, recover, slipcover, soft-cover, some other, stepbrother, the other, uncover, wine lover
4 syllables:
pencil pusher, foster brother, foster mother, keyboard buffer, little brother, manhole cover, mattress cover, music lover, oven stuffer, record cover, rediscover, spiny puffer, starting buffer, undercover
pencil pusher, foster brother, foster mother, keyboard buffer, little brother, manhole cover, mattress cover, music lover, oven stuffer, record cover, rediscover, spiny puffer, starting buffer, undercover
6 syllables:
one after another
Table of complete results:
one after another
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