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Things pitiful often describes (“pitiful ________”)
sight, condition, state, story, thing, figure, creature, cries, cry, look, tale, attempt, spectacle, voice, face, plight, smile, case, remnant, creatures, eyes, situation, attempts, object, remnants, fellow, existence, scene, appeal, sum, picture, end, failure, expression, weakness, excuse, ambition, manner, wail, wages, death, sound, letter, wretch, handful, effort, stories, tone, plea, tragedy, appearance, victims, remains, efforts, lack, victim, business, moan, letters, waste, lot, fate, child, heart, excuses, minority, tales, sights, giant, wreck, performance, inadequacy, belongings, gesture, figures, struggle, contrast, ignorance, heap, moans
How pitiful often is described (“________ pitiful”)
most, wondrous, real, such, last, poor, right, least, mighty, plumb
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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