

Think you know it, poet?
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Common multi-word phrases that nearly rhyme with medlin:

2 syllables:
aired in,
air in,
bare skin,
bears in,
bear in,
beds in,
bed in,
bells in,
bell in,
belt in,
bench in,
bend in,
bent in,
best in,
beth din,
bet din,
blend in,
blessed in,
bread bin,
bread in,
breasts in,
breast in,
breath in,
bred in,
care in,
cells in,
cell in,
cents in,
cent in,
chairs in,
chair in,
checked in,
checks in,
check in,
chest in,
cleft chin,
cleft in,
crept in,
dead in,
dead skin,
dealt in,
deaths in,
death in,
debts in,
debt in,
deck in,
denned in,
dent in,
depths in,
depth in,
desk in,
drenched in,
dressed in,
dress in,
dwelled in,
dwells in,
dwell in,
dwelt in,
edge in,
ed wynn,
eggs in,
egg in,
else in,
el din,
el fin,
el ninõ,
ends in,
end in,
end pin,
erred in,
errs in,
err in,
etched in,
fair in,
fair skin,
fare in,
fed in,
fell in,
felt in,
fenced in,
fence in,
fled in,
flesh in,
french in,
fresh in,
friends in,
friend in,
gdp in,
gel in,
gets in,
get in,
glen lyn,
guests in,
guest in,
hairs in,
hair in,
hair pin,
hare been,
heads in,
head in,
head spin,
health in,
hedge in,
held in,
hell in,
helped in,
helped win,
helps in,
help in,
help win,
hemmed in,
hem in,
hence in,
jeff lynne,
jj lin,
kept in,
khent min,
knelt in,
lead in,
led in,
left in,
legs in,
leg in,
leg spin,
lengths in,
length in,
lens in,
less in,
let in,
l min,
meant in,
med clin,
melt in,
mel chin,
ment in,
men in,
mess in,
mess tin,
met in,
m tin,
neck in,
nell gwyn,
nell gwynn,
nests in,
nest in,
nets in,
net in,
next in,
pairs in,
pair in,
penn wynne,
pen in,
pests in,
prayers in,
prayer in,
pressed in,
press in,
press pin,
rare in,
read in,
realm in,
red in,
red skin,
rents in,
rent in,
rests in,
rest in,
said in,
says in,
scarce in,
sects in,
sect in,
sec in,
self in,
sell in,
selves in,
send in,
sensed in,
sense in,
sent in,
sets in,
set in,
sex in,
sex skin,
shared in,
shares in,
share in,
shed in,
shelf in,
shells in,
shell in,
shelves in,
sketched in,
sketch in,
slept in,
smell in,
spell in,
spends in,
spend in,
spent in,
spread in,
spread thin,
squares in,
square in,
square tin,
stairs in,
stared in,
stems in,
stem in,
stepped in,
steps in,
step in,
strengths in,
strength in,
stressed in,
stressed skin,
stress in,
stretched in,
stretch in,
swears in,
swear in,
swept in,
tears in,
tear in,
tell in,
tense in,
tent in,
ten in,
ten pin,
tests in,
test in,
texts in,
text in,
theirs in,
their in,
their kin,
their sin,
their skin,
them in,
then been,
then in,
there been,
there in,
threads in,
thread fin,
thread in,
threats in,
threat in,
tien chin,
tien tsin,
trends in,
trend in,
twelve in,
vests in,
vest in,
wares in,
wealth in,
wears thin,
wear in,
web in,
wedged in,
wedge in,
welled in,
wells in,
well in,
went in,
west in,
west linn,
wet in,
when in,
where in,
wreathed in,
yen in,
yet been,
yet in

3 syllables:
accent in,
accept in,
addressed in,
adept in,
affairs in,
affair in,
affect in,
against in,
against sin,
again been,
again in,
ahead in,
alleged in,
arrests in,
arrest in,
assessed in,
attempts in,
attempt in,
attend in,
bedecked in,
cement in,
collects in,
collect in,
commenced in,
compared in,
compare in,
compressed in,
condemned in,
condensed in,
consent in,
contempt in,
correct in,
declared in,
declares in,
declare in,
defence in,
defense in,
depends in,
depend in,
depressed in,
descend in,
descent in,
despair in,
detect in,
direct in,
dissent in,
distress in,
effects in,
effect in,
enmeshed in,
ensnared in,
entrenched in,
erect in,
events in,
event in,
excelled in,
excels in,
excel in,
except in,
expect in,
expense in,
expressed in,
express in,
extends in,
extend in,
extent in,
ferment in,
herself in,
he kexin,
himself been,
himself in,
hotels in,
hotel in,
impaired in,
impaired skin,
inhered in,
instead in,
intense in,
intent in,
invests in,
invest in,
itself been,
itself in,
lapel pin,
modelled in,
myself in,
neglect in,
offense in,
offset in,
oneself in,
percent in,
perfect in,
possessed in,
possess in,
prepared in,
prevent skin,
progressed in,
quartet in,
quebec in,
recess in,
reflects in,
reflect in,
regret in,
repaired in,
repair in,
requests in,
request in,
respects in,
respect in,
revenge in,
subject in,
success in,
suggests in,
suggest in,
suppressed in,
suspects in,
suspect in,
themselves been,
themselves in,
tibet in,
unless in,
unrest in,
upheld in,
upset in,
upstairs in,
viet minh,
yourself in,
yourselves in

4 syllables:
acquiesced in,
acquiesce in,
alice levine,
brenda blethyn,
cigarettes in,
cigarette in,
discontent in,
incorrect in,
intersect in,
ourselves in,
personnel in,
questionnaire in,
rachel levine,
reinvest in,
represents in,
represent in

5 syllables:
nevertheless in

What's up with this "phrase rhymes" section?

This experimental new tab on RhymeZone shows you phrases that might be good matches for your multi-syllable query word. For example, the word poetry produces phrase rhymes like boba tea and swollen knee and hopeful he and moments we. Some of these (like "boba tea") are single conceptual units, while others (like "hopeful he") are sentence fragments. Both kinds of results may be useful when writing slant rhymes that cross line boundaries, which are popular in hip hop lyrics and musical theater. Typically, RhymeZone's phrase rhymes are assonant (share vowel sounds) with the query word, with some degree of consonant match as well.

You'll often find lots of options in this tab, including many junky ones that don't work well. Stay tuned while we find the right formula!

Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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