Common multi-word phrases that nearly rhyme with mediocre:
2 syllables:
boats were,
bones were,
bone bur,
bone spur,
both her,
both were,
bowls were,
broke her,
choked her,
choke her,
clones were,
closed her,
close her,
clothes were,
coal per,
coast were,
coaxed her,
coax her,
codes were,
combed her,
comb her,
crows were,
doe er,
dose per,
drove her,
faer oer,
folks were,
folk were,
goals were,
goats were,
gold were,
growth were,
holds her,
hold her,
holes were,
homes were,
home were,
hopes were,
known her,
knows her,
know her,
load per,
loans were,
moles per,
mole per,
mon pere,
most were,
notes sur,
notes were,
note sur,
no sir,
oaths were,
ohms per,
oh fer,
olds were,
old were,
owed her,
o fer,
phoned her,
phones were,
poked her,
poles were,
popes were,
posts were,
pows were,
probes were,
pro dur,
pro per,
roads were,
road were,
robes were,
roles were,
rolled her,
rolle der,
rome were,
ropes were,
scold her,
scrolls were,
showed her,
shown her,
shows her,
shows were,
show her,
sold her,
souffre douleur,
souls were,
so her,
so were,
stole her,
stones were,
stone squarer,
stoves were,
stroked her,
strokes per,
those were,
though her,
throws her,
throw her,
toasts were,
told her,
volts per,
votes were,
whole were,
woke her,
wrote her,
wrote sir,
zones were
boats were,
bones were,
bone bur,
bone spur,
both her,
both were,
bowls were,
broke her,
choked her,
choke her,
clones were,
closed her,
close her,
clothes were,
coal per,
coast were,
coaxed her,
coax her,
codes were,
combed her,
comb her,
crows were,
doe er,
dose per,
drove her,
faer oer,
folks were,
folk were,
goals were,
goats were,
gold were,
growth were,
holds her,
hold her,
holes were,
homes were,
home were,
hopes were,
known her,
knows her,
know her,
load per,
loans were,
moles per,
mole per,
mon pere,
most were,
notes sur,
notes were,
note sur,
no sir,
oaths were,
ohms per,
oh fer,
olds were,
old were,
owed her,
o fer,
phoned her,
phones were,
poked her,
poles were,
popes were,
posts were,
pows were,
probes were,
pro dur,
pro per,
roads were,
road were,
robes were,
roles were,
rolled her,
rolle der,
rome were,
ropes were,
scold her,
scrolls were,
showed her,
shown her,
shows her,
shows were,
show her,
sold her,
souffre douleur,
souls were,
so her,
so were,
stole her,
stones were,
stone squarer,
stoves were,
stroked her,
strokes per,
those were,
though her,
throws her,
throw her,
toasts were,
told her,
volts per,
votes were,
whole were,
woke her,
wrote her,
wrote sir,
zones were
3 syllables:
ago were,
alone were,
although her,
approached her,
approach her,
approach were,
below her,
below were,
consoled her,
controls were,
control her,
control were,
expose her,
methode der,
patrols were,
paul gosar,
reproached her,
revolts were
ago were,
alone were,
although her,
approached her,
approach her,
approach were,
below her,
below were,
consoled her,
controls were,
control her,
control were,
expose her,
methode der,
patrols were,
paul gosar,
reproached her,
revolts were
What's up with this "phrase rhymes" section?
This experimental new tab on RhymeZone shows you phrases that might be good matches for your multi-syllable query word. For example, the word poetry produces phrase rhymes like boba tea and swollen knee and hopeful he and moments we. Some of these (like "boba tea") are single conceptual units, while others (like "hopeful he") are sentence fragments. Both kinds of results may be useful when writing slant rhymes that cross line boundaries, which are popular in hip hop lyrics and musical theater. Typically, RhymeZone's phrase rhymes are assonant (share vowel sounds) with the query word, with some degree of consonant match as well.You'll often find lots of options in this tab, including many junky ones that don't work well. Stay tuned while we find the right formula!
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