Common multi-word phrases that nearly rhyme with maratha:
3 syllables:
breakfast the,
credit the,
deaden the,
devil a,
edit a,
edit the,
ed ruscha,
ended a,
ended the,
era the,
essence a,
essence the,
headed a,
headed the,
heaven the,
heralds the,
herald the,
herod the,
lengthen the,
lessened the,
lessens the,
lessen the,
lesson the,
levels the,
level a,
level the,
mentioned a,
mentioned the,
mentions a,
mentions the,
mention a,
mention the,
merits the,
merit a,
merit the,
message the,
methods a,
methods the,
method a,
method the,
para a,
parents a,
parents the,
preface the,
presence the,
presents a,
presents the,
present a,
present the,
presses the,
questioned the,
questions a,
questions the,
question a,
question the,
reckoned the,
reckon the,
rented a,
rented the,
rested a,
rested the,
seconds the,
second a,
second the,
sections a,
sections the,
section a,
section the,
segment the,
seldom a,
seldom the,
sentence a,
sentence the,
session the,
settled a,
settled the,
settles the,
settle a,
settle the,
seven the,
sketches the,
strengthened the,
strengthens the,
strengthen a,
strengthen the,
stresses the,
stretches the,
tempest the,
template rna,
tended the,
tested a,
tested the,
texas a,
threatened a,
threatened the,
threatens the,
threaten the,
welcomed the,
welcomes the,
welcome a,
welcome the,
west prussia,
when russia,
whereof the
breakfast the,
credit the,
deaden the,
devil a,
edit a,
edit the,
ed ruscha,
ended a,
ended the,
era the,
essence a,
essence the,
headed a,
headed the,
heaven the,
heralds the,
herald the,
herod the,
lengthen the,
lessened the,
lessens the,
lessen the,
lesson the,
levels the,
level a,
level the,
mentioned a,
mentioned the,
mentions a,
mentions the,
mention a,
mention the,
merits the,
merit a,
merit the,
message the,
methods a,
methods the,
method a,
method the,
para a,
parents a,
parents the,
preface the,
presence the,
presents a,
presents the,
present a,
present the,
presses the,
questioned the,
questions a,
questions the,
question a,
question the,
reckoned the,
reckon the,
rented a,
rented the,
rested a,
rested the,
seconds the,
second a,
second the,
sections a,
sections the,
section a,
section the,
segment the,
seldom a,
seldom the,
sentence a,
sentence the,
session the,
settled a,
settled the,
settles the,
settle a,
settle the,
seven the,
sketches the,
strengthened the,
strengthens the,
strengthen a,
strengthen the,
stresses the,
stretches the,
tempest the,
template rna,
tended the,
tested a,
tested the,
texas a,
threatened a,
threatened the,
threatens the,
threaten the,
welcomed the,
welcomes the,
welcome a,
welcome the,
west prussia,
when russia,
whereof the
4 syllables:
affected a,
affected the,
against prussia,
against russia,
amended the,
arrested a,
arrested the,
ascended the,
assembled a,
assembled the,
assemble a,
assemble the,
assessment the,
attempted a,
attempted the,
attended a,
attended the,
attention the,
augmented the,
collected a,
collected the,
collection the,
connected the,
connection the,
contested the,
convention the,
corrected the,
defended the,
depresses the,
depression the,
descended the,
detected a,
detected the,
developed a,
developed the,
develops a,
develops the,
develop a,
develop the,
directed a,
directed the,
directions the,
direction a,
direction the,
discredits the,
discredit the,
effected a,
effected the,
elected a,
elected the,
elections the,
election the,
embarrass the,
enveloped the,
envelops the,
envelop the,
erected a,
erected the,
exceptions the,
exception the,
expected a,
expected the,
expresses a,
expresses the,
expression a,
expression the,
extended a,
extended the,
extension the,
imperil the,
impression the,
infected the,
inherits the,
inherit a,
inherit the,
intended the,
invented a,
invented the,
invested a,
invested the,
investment the,
neglected the,
nocera umbra,
offended the,
omega sa,
perfected the,
possesses a,
possesses the,
potential the,
presented a,
presented the,
projected a,
projected the,
protected the,
protection the,
protested the,
reflected a,
reflected the,
resembled a,
resembled the,
resembles a,
resembles the,
resemble a,
resemble the,
resented the,
selected a,
selected the,
selection the,
successful the,
suggested a,
suggested the,
suspected the,
suspended the
affected a,
affected the,
against prussia,
against russia,
amended the,
arrested a,
arrested the,
ascended the,
assembled a,
assembled the,
assemble a,
assemble the,
assessment the,
attempted a,
attempted the,
attended a,
attended the,
attention the,
augmented the,
collected a,
collected the,
collection the,
connected the,
connection the,
contested the,
convention the,
corrected the,
defended the,
depresses the,
depression the,
descended the,
detected a,
detected the,
developed a,
developed the,
develops a,
develops the,
develop a,
develop the,
directed a,
directed the,
directions the,
direction a,
direction the,
discredits the,
discredit the,
effected a,
effected the,
elected a,
elected the,
elections the,
election the,
embarrass the,
enveloped the,
envelops the,
envelop the,
erected a,
erected the,
exceptions the,
exception the,
expected a,
expected the,
expresses a,
expresses the,
expression a,
expression the,
extended a,
extended the,
extension the,
imperil the,
impression the,
infected the,
inherits the,
inherit a,
inherit the,
intended the,
invented a,
invented the,
invested a,
invested the,
investment the,
neglected the,
nocera umbra,
offended the,
omega sa,
perfected the,
possesses a,
possesses the,
potential the,
presented a,
presented the,
projected a,
projected the,
protected the,
protection the,
protested the,
reflected a,
reflected the,
resembled a,
resembled the,
resembles a,
resembles the,
resemble a,
resemble the,
resented the,
selected a,
selected the,
selection the,
successful the,
suggested a,
suggested the,
suspected the,
suspended the
5 syllables:
independence the,
influenza a,
recommended a,
recommended the,
represented a,
represented the,
terry pegula
independence the,
influenza a,
recommended a,
recommended the,
represented a,
represented the,
terry pegula
What's up with this "phrase rhymes" section?
This experimental new tab on RhymeZone shows you phrases that might be good matches for your multi-syllable query word. For example, the word poetry produces phrase rhymes like boba tea and swollen knee and hopeful he and moments we. Some of these (like "boba tea") are single conceptual units, while others (like "hopeful he") are sentence fragments. Both kinds of results may be useful when writing slant rhymes that cross line boundaries, which are popular in hip hop lyrics and musical theater. Typically, RhymeZone's phrase rhymes are assonant (share vowel sounds) with the query word, with some degree of consonant match as well.You'll often find lots of options in this tab, including many junky ones that don't work well. Stay tuned while we find the right formula!
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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Click on a word above to view its definition.