Common multi-word phrases that nearly rhyme with manred:
2 syllables:
amp head,
am dead,
am med,
anne said,
ask spread,
ass head,
as fed,
at head,
at red,
avf lead,
back spread,
band head,
black head,
black red,
black thread,
brad said,
brass bed,
canned bread,
can lead,
can read,
can shed,
can spread,
catch dead,
cat head,
crack head,
crack spread,
dad said,
dan said,
fat head,
flange head,
flat bed,
flat bread,
flat head,
frank said,
gatch bed,
grass fed,
had bled,
had bred,
had fed,
had fled,
had led,
had read,
had red,
had said,
had shed,
had sped,
had spread,
half bred,
half dead,
half head,
half read,
hal said,
hand lead,
hangs head,
hang head,
hank said,
hast said,
has bred,
has fled,
has lead,
has led,
has read,
has said,
has spread,
hath said,
hat head,
have bled,
have bred,
have fed,
have fled,
have led,
have read,
have said,
have shed,
have spread,
jack said,
jan said,
lab med,
lambs bread,
lamb bed,
land lead,
last shred,
mac said,
man said,
mast bed,
mast head,
match head,
matt said,
mat med,
max ed,
max said,
nags head,
nan bread,
nat med,
packed bed,
packed red,
pack thread,
pam said,
pan head,
patch lead,
paths lead,
path led,
pat said,
plank bed,
rag head,
ralph said,
rams head,
ram head,
rats fed,
sad bread,
sam said,
sand bed,
scalled head,
scratched head,
scratch head,
shall lead,
shall read,
stag head,
stamp head,
stan said,
strap head,
tan bed,
than red,
that bed,
that dead,
that fed,
that fred,
that head,
that lead,
that led,
that read,
that red,
that said,
that spread,
valve head,
zack said
amp head,
am dead,
am med,
anne said,
ask spread,
ass head,
as fed,
at head,
at red,
avf lead,
back spread,
band head,
black head,
black red,
black thread,
brad said,
brass bed,
canned bread,
can lead,
can read,
can shed,
can spread,
catch dead,
cat head,
crack head,
crack spread,
dad said,
dan said,
fat head,
flange head,
flat bed,
flat bread,
flat head,
frank said,
gatch bed,
grass fed,
had bled,
had bred,
had fed,
had fled,
had led,
had read,
had red,
had said,
had shed,
had sped,
had spread,
half bred,
half dead,
half head,
half read,
hal said,
hand lead,
hangs head,
hang head,
hank said,
hast said,
has bred,
has fled,
has lead,
has led,
has read,
has said,
has spread,
hath said,
hat head,
have bled,
have bred,
have fed,
have fled,
have led,
have read,
have said,
have shed,
have spread,
jack said,
jan said,
lab med,
lambs bread,
lamb bed,
land lead,
last shred,
mac said,
man said,
mast bed,
mast head,
match head,
matt said,
mat med,
max ed,
max said,
nags head,
nan bread,
nat med,
packed bed,
packed red,
pack thread,
pam said,
pan head,
patch lead,
paths lead,
path led,
pat said,
plank bed,
rag head,
ralph said,
rams head,
ram head,
rats fed,
sad bread,
sam said,
sand bed,
scalled head,
scratched head,
scratch head,
shall lead,
shall read,
stag head,
stamp head,
stan said,
strap head,
tan bed,
than red,
that bed,
that dead,
that fed,
that fred,
that head,
that lead,
that led,
that read,
that red,
that said,
that spread,
valve head,
zack said
What's up with this "phrase rhymes" section?
This experimental new tab on RhymeZone shows you phrases that might be good matches for your multi-syllable query word. For example, the word poetry produces phrase rhymes like boba tea and swollen knee and hopeful he and moments we. Some of these (like "boba tea") are single conceptual units, while others (like "hopeful he") are sentence fragments. Both kinds of results may be useful when writing slant rhymes that cross line boundaries, which are popular in hip hop lyrics and musical theater. Typically, RhymeZone's phrase rhymes are assonant (share vowel sounds) with the query word, with some degree of consonant match as well.You'll often find lots of options in this tab, including many junky ones that don't work well. Stay tuned while we find the right formula!
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