Common multi-word phrases that nearly rhyme with jabiru:
3 syllables:
acting through,
acting to,
active to,
adding new,
adding to,
adding two,
affix to,
asking to,
asking too,
asking you,
axes to,
backed into,
backing to,
back into,
back issue,
banged into,
bang into,
banished to,
bashed into,
branched into,
canting crew,
can ensue,
can issue,
captives who,
captive screw,
captive to,
carriage to,
caste hindu,
cast into,
catholics to,
catholics who,
chalkhill blue,
classic view,
class into,
crammed into,
cram into,
crashed into,
crashing through,
crash into,
dancing to,
dashed into,
dash into,
drafted to,
dragged into,
drags into,
drag into,
fabric to,
facts into,
fanned into,
fat tissue,
flashed into,
flashing through,
franklin to,
gastric flu,
gas into,
glancing through,
gland tissue,
granting to,
graphics to,
hack into,
hands into,
hand into,
hatch into,
having to,
having too,
having two,
having you,
jammed into,
land into,
lapsed into,
lapse into,
lashed into,
lash into,
last into,
last issue,
laughing too,
magic to,
man into,
mapped into,
mapping to,
packed into,
packets to,
pack into,
parish to,
passed into,
passing through,
passing to,
pass into,
past into,
path into,
plaid cymru,
plaid cyrmu,
planning to,
plan into,
rammed into,
ram sethu,
sank into,
shall issue,
shrank into,
slammed into,
slams into,
slam into,
smack into,
smashed into,
smash into,
spanish flu,
spanish to,
spanking new,
spat into,
splashed into,
splashing through,
sprang into,
stabbing through,
stabs into,
stab into,
stamped into,
standing to,
static view,
strapped into,
swam into,
tactics to,
tactic to,
tandis que,
tapped into,
tapping screw,
taps into,
tap into,
tap issue,
thanking you,
than into,
that into,
that issue,
traffic through,
traffic to,
tragic view,
tramping through,
transit through,
transit to,
trapped into,
zhang yimou
acting through,
acting to,
active to,
adding new,
adding to,
adding two,
affix to,
asking to,
asking too,
asking you,
axes to,
backed into,
backing to,
back into,
back issue,
banged into,
bang into,
banished to,
bashed into,
branched into,
canting crew,
can ensue,
can issue,
captives who,
captive screw,
captive to,
carriage to,
caste hindu,
cast into,
catholics to,
catholics who,
chalkhill blue,
classic view,
class into,
crammed into,
cram into,
crashed into,
crashing through,
crash into,
dancing to,
dashed into,
dash into,
drafted to,
dragged into,
drags into,
drag into,
fabric to,
facts into,
fanned into,
fat tissue,
flashed into,
flashing through,
franklin to,
gastric flu,
gas into,
glancing through,
gland tissue,
granting to,
graphics to,
hack into,
hands into,
hand into,
hatch into,
having to,
having too,
having two,
having you,
jammed into,
land into,
lapsed into,
lapse into,
lashed into,
lash into,
last into,
last issue,
laughing too,
magic to,
man into,
mapped into,
mapping to,
packed into,
packets to,
pack into,
parish to,
passed into,
passing through,
passing to,
pass into,
past into,
path into,
plaid cymru,
plaid cyrmu,
planning to,
plan into,
rammed into,
ram sethu,
sank into,
shall issue,
shrank into,
slammed into,
slams into,
slam into,
smack into,
smashed into,
smash into,
spanish flu,
spanish to,
spanking new,
spat into,
splashed into,
splashing through,
sprang into,
stabbing through,
stabs into,
stab into,
stamped into,
standing to,
static view,
strapped into,
swam into,
tactics to,
tactic to,
tandis que,
tapped into,
tapping screw,
taps into,
tap into,
tap issue,
thanking you,
than into,
that into,
that issue,
traffic through,
traffic to,
tragic view,
tramping through,
transit through,
transit to,
trapped into,
zhang yimou
4 syllables:
adapting to,
advanced into,
advance into,
advancing through,
advancing to,
advantage to,
atlantic to,
attaches to,
attaching to,
attracting new,
attractive to,
collapsed into,
collapse into,
commanding view,
demanding to,
dynamics to,
dynamic view,
established new,
established through,
established to,
established two,
establish new,
examine two,
expanding to,
expands into,
expand into,
expansive view,
fanatics who,
fanatic who,
financing to,
mechanics to,
mechanic who,
metallic blue,
mutandis to,
pragmatic view,
reacting to,
reactive to,
refracted through,
relapsed into,
relapse into,
remanded to,
romantic view,
schematic view,
transplanted to
adapting to,
advanced into,
advance into,
advancing through,
advancing to,
advantage to,
atlantic to,
attaches to,
attaching to,
attracting new,
attractive to,
collapsed into,
collapse into,
commanding view,
demanding to,
dynamics to,
dynamic view,
established new,
established through,
established to,
established two,
establish new,
examine two,
expanding to,
expands into,
expand into,
expansive view,
fanatics who,
fanatic who,
financing to,
mechanics to,
mechanic who,
metallic blue,
mutandis to,
pragmatic view,
reacting to,
reactive to,
refracted through,
relapsed into,
relapse into,
remanded to,
romantic view,
schematic view,
transplanted to
5 syllables:
disadvantage to,
mathematics to,
messianic jew,
panoramic view,
placental tissue,
problematic to,
unattractive to,
understanding through,
understanding to
disadvantage to,
mathematics to,
messianic jew,
panoramic view,
placental tissue,
problematic to,
unattractive to,
understanding through,
understanding to
What's up with this "phrase rhymes" section?
This experimental new tab on RhymeZone shows you phrases that might be good matches for your multi-syllable query word. For example, the word poetry produces phrase rhymes like boba tea and swollen knee and hopeful he and moments we. Some of these (like "boba tea") are single conceptual units, while others (like "hopeful he") are sentence fragments. Both kinds of results may be useful when writing slant rhymes that cross line boundaries, which are popular in hip hop lyrics and musical theater. Typically, RhymeZone's phrase rhymes are assonant (share vowel sounds) with the query word, with some degree of consonant match as well.You'll often find lots of options in this tab, including many junky ones that don't work well. Stay tuned while we find the right formula!
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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