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Things intermingled often describes (“intermingled ________”)
cells, causes, fibers, colors, elements, strips, graves, groups, branches, slag, blood, populations, areas, light, fibres, lands, colours, sweets, stones, pleasure, land, wood, bodies, mass, sounds, rays, hairs, races, flowers, fragments, sobs, nature, sketches, types, memorials, voices, chances, factors, forms, sense, state, temples, pattern, tissue, strands, shade, data, layers, processes, lines, patches, gloom, pine, components, units, lights, courtship, rocks, fashion, hues, peoples, population, material, communities, smiles, ownership, roots, matter, crystals, aspects, patterns, clay, prairie, filaments, plots, pomp, roar, interests, species, themes, chaos, streams, lives, forces, touches, holdings, grains, advice, sand, tales, transplantation, stories, neurons, masses, trunks

How intermingled often is described (“________ intermingled”)
crimson, certain, new, gray, little

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