Common multi-word phrases that nearly rhyme with humidify:
3 syllables:
billion by,
bitten by,
britain by,
business by,
business i,
children by,
children die,
children i,
christened by,
christian i,
christmas y,
click apply,
crippled by,
distance by,
distance i,
driven by,
england by,
fiction by,
fitted by,
fixed supply,
frizzle fry,
gill fungi,
given by,
given high,
given my,
hidden by,
his supply,
image by,
image i,
impulse buy,
inches by,
inches high,
income by,
instance by,
instant i,
interests by,
interests lie,
interest by,
its supply,
kindled by,
kingdom by,
lifted by,
lifted high,
lifted my,
limits by,
listed by,
little by,
little cry,
little eye,
little guy,
little i,
little shy,
little sigh,
marinus i,
milk supply,
million by,
minutes by,
minutes i,
minute by,
minute i,
mission by,
nicol i,
philip i,
philip nye,
philip vi,
printed by,
prison by,
quickened by,
rich supply,
ridden by,
ridden high,
riddled by,
risen by,
riven by,
shifted by,
shishak i,
sickened by,
sigma chi,
sigma phi,
sigma pi,
signaled by,
signalled by,
signals by,
signal by,
siml i,
simpl i,
single ply,
sixtus i,
smitten by,
spinach pie,
spirit by,
stiffened by,
still apply,
stricken by,
symptoms by,
systems by,
systems pty,
system by,
system i,
thimble eye,
this supply,
tickled by,
twisted my,
village by,
vision by,
visits by,
visit by,
visit i,
visit my,
which apply,
which supply,
wickhams striae,
william i,
will apply,
will comply,
will supply,
witnessed by,
women by,
women i,
written by,
xystus i
billion by,
bitten by,
britain by,
business by,
business i,
children by,
children die,
children i,
christened by,
christian i,
christmas y,
click apply,
crippled by,
distance by,
distance i,
driven by,
england by,
fiction by,
fitted by,
fixed supply,
frizzle fry,
gill fungi,
given by,
given high,
given my,
hidden by,
his supply,
image by,
image i,
impulse buy,
inches by,
inches high,
income by,
instance by,
instant i,
interests by,
interests lie,
interest by,
its supply,
kindled by,
kingdom by,
lifted by,
lifted high,
lifted my,
limits by,
listed by,
little by,
little cry,
little eye,
little guy,
little i,
little shy,
little sigh,
marinus i,
milk supply,
million by,
minutes by,
minutes i,
minute by,
minute i,
mission by,
nicol i,
philip i,
philip nye,
philip vi,
printed by,
prison by,
quickened by,
rich supply,
ridden by,
ridden high,
riddled by,
risen by,
riven by,
shifted by,
shishak i,
sickened by,
sigma chi,
sigma phi,
sigma pi,
signaled by,
signalled by,
signals by,
signal by,
siml i,
simpl i,
single ply,
sixtus i,
smitten by,
spinach pie,
spirit by,
stiffened by,
still apply,
stricken by,
symptoms by,
systems by,
systems pty,
system by,
system i,
thimble eye,
this supply,
tickled by,
twisted my,
village by,
vision by,
visits by,
visit by,
visit i,
visit my,
which apply,
which supply,
wickhams striae,
william i,
will apply,
will comply,
will supply,
witnessed by,
women by,
women i,
written by,
xystus i
4 syllables:
acquitted by,
admission by,
admitted by,
afflicted by,
agrippa i,
appearance by,
assistance by,
assisted by,
commissioned by,
commission by,
commitment by,
committed by,
conditioned by,
conditions by,
condition by,
condition i,
constricted by,
convicted by,
conviction by,
decisions by,
decision by,
decision i,
delicious pie,
depicted by,
description by,
distinction by,
division by,
division i,
edition by,
emissions by,
emitted by,
envisioned by,
equipment by,
existence by,
explicit by,
imprisoned by,
initialed by,
insisted i,
omitted by,
opinion by,
opinion i,
partitioned by,
permission by,
permitted by,
petition by,
positions by,
position by,
position i,
provision by,
religion by,
resistance by,
restricted by,
rewritten by,
stanislas i,
submission by,
submitted by,
suspicion by,
tradition by,
transmission by,
vanilla sky
acquitted by,
admission by,
admitted by,
afflicted by,
agrippa i,
appearance by,
assistance by,
assisted by,
commissioned by,
commission by,
commitment by,
committed by,
conditioned by,
conditions by,
condition by,
condition i,
constricted by,
convicted by,
conviction by,
decisions by,
decision by,
decision i,
delicious pie,
depicted by,
description by,
distinction by,
division by,
division i,
edition by,
emissions by,
emitted by,
envisioned by,
equipment by,
existence by,
explicit by,
imprisoned by,
initialed by,
insisted i,
omitted by,
opinion by,
opinion i,
partitioned by,
permission by,
permitted by,
petition by,
positions by,
position by,
position i,
provision by,
religion by,
resistance by,
restricted by,
rewritten by,
stanislas i,
submission by,
submitted by,
suspicion by,
tradition by,
transmission by,
vanilla sky
5 syllables:
acquisition by,
apposition eye,
artificial eye,
competition by,
composition by,
contradicted by,
definition by,
inhibition by,
interference by,
jurisdiction by,
opposition by,
overwritten by,
recognition by,
requisitioned by,
supervision by
acquisition by,
apposition eye,
artificial eye,
competition by,
composition by,
contradicted by,
definition by,
inhibition by,
interference by,
jurisdiction by,
opposition by,
overwritten by,
recognition by,
requisitioned by,
supervision by
What's up with this "phrase rhymes" section?
This experimental new tab on RhymeZone shows you phrases that might be good matches for your multi-syllable query word. For example, the word poetry produces phrase rhymes like boba tea and swollen knee and hopeful he and moments we. Some of these (like "boba tea") are single conceptual units, while others (like "hopeful he") are sentence fragments. Both kinds of results may be useful when writing slant rhymes that cross line boundaries, which are popular in hip hop lyrics and musical theater. Typically, RhymeZone's phrase rhymes are assonant (share vowel sounds) with the query word, with some degree of consonant match as well.You'll often find lots of options in this tab, including many junky ones that don't work well. Stay tuned while we find the right formula!
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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Click on a word above to view its definition.