
Think you know it, poet?
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Common multi-word phrases that nearly rhyme with hukou:

2 syllables:
a deux,
a due,
a screw,
a yuh,
blood through,
blood to,
blush to,
brush to,
bulk to,
bus to,
but due,
but few,
but knew,
but new,
but through,
but to,
but too,
but true,
but two,
but who,
but you,
ceb ku,
chun chiu,
chun doo,
clubs to,
club to,
clung to,
cma csu,
cmis u,
comes through,
comes to,
comes too,
comes true,
come too,
come true,
come you,
crushed to,
cult to,
cum new,
cup to,
cuts through,
cuts to,
cut two,
cut you,
does to,
done through,
done to,
done too,
done you,
drugs to,
drug to,
drunk to,
drunk too,
dug through,
dust to,
dutch to,
ef tu,
flux due,
flux through,
flux to,
from blue,
from new,
from to,
from too,
from true,
from two,
from view,
from who,
from you,
front pew,
front to,
front view,
funds through,
funds to,
fund to,
funk you,
fun to,
gev u,
gloves to,
grub screw,
gsm mou,
gulf to,
gum shoe,
guns to,
gun crew,
gun fu,
gun to,
guts to,
hsun tzu,
hull to,
hung liu,
hung to,
hung wu,
hunt to,
hut to,
judged to,
judged too,
judge to,
judge who,
jumped to,
jumps to,
jump through,
jump to,
just blew,
just knew,
just threw,
just to,
just too,
just two,
just who,
just you,
kha nyou,
kung chiu,
kung foo,
kung tzu,
le roux,
loved to,
loved you,
loves to,
loves you,
love ru,
love through,
love to,
love you,
luck to,
lug screw,
lunch to,
lungs to,
lun yu,
monks to,
monks who,
monk who,
months to,
month to,
mpsron two,
much new,
much through,
much to,
much too,
much you,
mud to,
musk shrew,
must to,
must view,
must you,
nak nu,
none knew,
none to,
none too,
none who,
nuns who,
nun who,
nuts to,
nut to,
of blue,
of due,
of few,
of new,
of to,
of too,
of true,
of two,
of view,
of who,
of you,
once knew,
once through,
once to,
once too,
once you,
ones to,
ones who,
ones you,
one knew,
one new,
one through,
one to,
one too,
one true,
one two,
one view,
one who,
one you,
plunged through,
plus que,
plus two,
pml q,
pulse to,
pumped through,
pumped to,
pump screw,
pump to,
punched through,
punch through,
punch to,
pva glue,
rough hew,
rsa ppdu,
rubbed through,
rubs through,
rub through,
runs through,
runs to,
run to,
run you,
rushed through,
rushed to,
rush through,
rush to,
rust through,
shrunk to,
some clue,
some few,
some new,
some to,
some two,
some who,
sons to,
sons who,
son to,
son who,
stuck to,
stuff to,
stuff you,
stunned to,
sub q,
such new,
such to,
sums due,
sums to,
sum due,
sum to,
sung to,
sunk to,
sun mu,
sun to,
sun tsu,
sun tzu,
swung through,
swung to,
the aclu,
the blue,
the boo,
the brew,
the chew,
the coup,
the crew,
the due,
the few,
the flu,
the hu,
the jew,
the q,
the rue,
the shoe,
the soo,
the true,
the two,
the u,
the view,
the who,
the woo,
the zoo,
thrust through,
thrust to,
thugs who,
thumbed through,
thumb blue,
thumb through,
thumb to,
thus to,
thus two,
thus you,
tongue to,
tons to,
touch to,
touch you,
tough to,
tous deux,
trucked to,
trucks to,
truck to,
trudged through,
trump coup,
trunk to,
trust to,
trust you,
tsung tu,
un eue,
up do,
up new,
up through,
up too,
up two,
up view,
up you,
us eu,
us knew,
us new,
us through,
us to,
us too,
us two,
us who,
us you,
uvm u,
whats new,
what few,
what new,
what to,
what two,
won through,
won two,
xun lu,
young jew,
young soo,
young to

3 syllables:
above to,
above two,
above you,
adjudged to,
adjusts to,
adjust to,
adults to,
adults who,
adult to,
adult who,
affronts to,
affront to,
among new,
among two,
among you,
becomes to,
becomes too,
become due,
become new,
become to,
become too,
become true,
begun to,
conduct to,
construct new,
discussed to,
discuss two,
enough to,
estopped to,
hsiung nu,
instruct you,
insults to,
insult to,
lin yun-ju,
results to,
results you,
result to,
robust to,
succumbed to,
succumbs to,
succumb to,
thereof to,
unjust to,
venuss shoe

What's up with this "phrase rhymes" section?

This experimental new tab on RhymeZone shows you phrases that might be good matches for your multi-syllable query word. For example, the word poetry produces phrase rhymes like boba tea and swollen knee and hopeful he and moments we. Some of these (like "boba tea") are single conceptual units, while others (like "hopeful he") are sentence fragments. Both kinds of results may be useful when writing slant rhymes that cross line boundaries, which are popular in hip hop lyrics and musical theater. Typically, RhymeZone's phrase rhymes are assonant (share vowel sounds) with the query word, with some degree of consonant match as well.

You'll often find lots of options in this tab, including many junky ones that don't work well. Stay tuned while we find the right formula!

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