Words and phrases that rhyme with heteroecious: (11 results)
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (39 results)
4 syllables:
hypophysis, anaclisis, synaeresis, ecphonesis, diaphysis, dionysus, catechesis, aphaeresis, metaphysis, anamnesis
hypophysis, anaclisis, synaeresis, ecphonesis, diaphysis, dionysus, catechesis, aphaeresis, metaphysis, anamnesis
5 syllables:
ontogenesis, zygomycetes, proteolysis, catachresis, psychokinesis, pathogenesis, biogenesis, ascariasis, metagenesis, androgenesis, acariasis, osteolysis
ontogenesis, zygomycetes, proteolysis, catachresis, psychokinesis, pathogenesis, biogenesis, ascariasis, metagenesis, androgenesis, acariasis, osteolysis
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— Nouns for heteroecious: rust, rusts, species, fungus, fungi, forms, parasites, form, habit, parasite, cyclemore...
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