Common multi-word phrases that nearly rhyme with healthy:
2 syllables:
air sea,
air we,
bear me,
bed he,
bed she,
bed tea,
begged me,
beg me,
bell tree,
bench knee,
bends knee,
bend knee,
bent knee,
ben lee,
ben shee,
ben zvi,
best be,
best he,
best she,
best we,
bet he,
bet she,
blessed be,
blessed me,
bless me,
bless thee,
bread tree,
breath he,
brett lee,
care he,
celles qui,
celle qui,
cell b,
cell sci,
cell t,
chair he,
check key,
cheng te,
cheng yi,
chen lee,
cleanse me,
dead key,
dead tree,
death he,
death she,
death we,
debt free,
del key,
des prix,
dress she,
ecb p,
ecs p,
edp e,
edt c,
edt g,
else be,
else he,
else she,
else we,
emc v,
emt b,
emt c,
emt d,
emt p,
end be,
end he,
end key,
end she,
end we,
eng d,
env sci,
ere he,
ere she,
ere we,
esc key,
esc p,
ex quay,
fare thee,
fd efie,
felled tree,
felt free,
felt he,
felt she,
felt we,
fetch me,
fresh ie,
friends he,
friend he,
fsc eti,
f key,
gen z,
gets me,
get free,
get me,
get thee,
get three,
glenn frey,
guessed he,
guessed she,
guess he,
guess she,
guess we,
haem c,
head he,
hedge tree,
held me,
hell he,
helped me,
helps me,
help he,
help key,
help me,
help she,
help thee,
help we,
hemp tree,
hence he,
hence we,
heng li,
hen flea,
hep b,
hep c,
hep d,
hep e,
hep g,
hep t,
hep tree,
hets t,
hex key,
jet li,
jet ski,
kept free,
kept me,
lead free,
lead me,
led me,
left be,
left free,
left he,
left knee,
left me,
lend me,
length he,
lent me,
less free,
less he,
less we,
lest he,
lest she,
lest we,
les prix,
lets me,
lets see,
let be,
let thee,
meant he,
meant she,
meant we,
mec e,
mec p,
medpar d,
med p,
med sci,
med sea,
mel b,
meng tse,
meng zi,
men be,
men he,
men see,
men she,
men we,
mer b,
mett t,
met me,
m sci,
m tree,
nemp e,
next he,
next she,
next three,
next we,
nremt b,
nremt p,
pen vee,
read me,
red t,
red tea,
red tree,
reg d,
rent free,
rest he,
rex lee,
said he,
said she,
said we,
says he,
says she,
says we,
scared me,
scares me,
scare me,
sell me,
sendai shi,
sends me,
send me,
send thee,
sensed she,
sense be,
sense he,
sense we,
sent me,
sent three,
set d,
set me,
sex me,
sex wee,
shelf sea,
sheng ji,
shen hsi,
shen si,
spared me,
spare me,
spec v,
spend three,
spent three,
square free,
square key,
steps he,
steps we,
step he,
step three,
step we,
strength he,
swears he,
swear she,
sweat bee,
td efie,
ted key,
ted lee,
teg e,
teh c,
teh si,
tells me,
tell he,
tell me,
tell she,
tell thee,
tempt me,
ten key,
text me,
text we,
their free,
their key,
their pre,
their tea,
their three,
them be,
them free,
them he,
them see,
them she,
them three,
them we,
thence he,
thence we,
then be,
then he,
then see,
then she,
then three,
then we,
there be,
there he,
there she,
there three,
there we,
tls lp,
tm lp,
vet sci,
well be,
well he,
well see,
well she,
well we,
wenn sie,
wen li,
wen ti,
west sea,
whence he,
whence she,
whence we,
when free,
when he,
when she,
when three,
when we,
where he,
where she,
where three,
where we,
yet be,
yet he,
yet see,
yet she,
yet we,
zeng he,
zheng he

What's up with this "phrase rhymes" section?

This experimental new tab on RhymeZone shows you phrases that might be good matches for your multi-syllable query word. For example, the word poetry produces phrase rhymes like boba tea and swollen knee and hopeful he and moments we. Some of these (like "boba tea") are single conceptual units, while others (like "hopeful he") are sentence fragments. Both kinds of results may be useful when writing slant rhymes that cross line boundaries, which are popular in hip hop lyrics and musical theater. Typically, RhymeZone's phrase rhymes are assonant (share vowel sounds) with the query word, with some degree of consonant match as well.

You'll often find lots of options in this tab, including many junky ones that don't work well. Stay tuned while we find the right formula!

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