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Words and phrases that almost rhyme with genus sciara:   (201 results)

(These are near rhymes. For exact rhymes, click the "Rhymes" link above.)

2 syllables:
aura, clara, durra, laura, sura, sclera, naira, dura, euro, kera, sara, flora, torah, tayra, sarah, ira, ara, lyra, doura, cora, pleura, nora, lira, era, para, hera, sirrah, dourah, farah, mwera, quira, vajra

3 syllables:
sophora, zostera, anura, signora, remora, gerbera, gomorrah, fedora, sierra, tabora, drosera, aurora, monstera, hegira, pandora, camorra, heuchera, plethora, chimera, senora, datura, angora, monera, sutura, lempira, andorra, asura, purpura, achira, viverra, mascara, hejira, taira, sonora, madeira, diptera, sahara, missouri, palmyra, canberra, ahura, andira, bursera, caesura, cascara, chateura, chimaera, chlorura, darmera, frasera, gomorrha, goodyera, gymnura, gynura, hatiora, khepera, listera, maclura, menura, protura, provera, radyera, rivera, rumohra, saqqarah, svizzera, tempura, ventura

4 syllables:
logorrhea, neurospora, ephemera, leptospira, mandragora, anoplura, chelicera, riviera, brachyura, kookaburra, passiflora, hemiptera, pyorrhea, branchiura, orthoptera, vinifera, thysanura, rhizophora, rotifera, bujumbura, carnivora, porifera, amphineura, lonicera, angostura, apatura, asahara, calabura, carnosaura, cercospora, chiroptera, chrysaora, condylura, dermaptera, dermoptera, homoptera, isoptera, lavatera, lecanora, liakoura, lichanura, macrocheira, mangifera, manticora, megaptera, mellivora, multiflora, muscivora, neuroptera, oenothera, oxyura, phylloxera, phytophthora, plumiera, rhinoptera, rhodosphaera, schlumbergera, scorzonera, scutigera, spirogyra, spodoptera, trichoptera, tuscarora, usumbura, xiphosura, zenaidura, zygoptera

5 syllables:
nomenklatura, nematocera, coloratura, ctenophora, onychophora, indigofera, mastigophora, acciaccatura, anisoptera, appoggiatura, balaenoptera, coleoptera, dictyoptera, embioptera, entomophthora, forestiera, heritiera, heteranthera, heteroptera, hymenoptera, lepidoptera, maniraptora, megaloptera, pseudowintera, radiigera, siphonaptera, thysanoptera

6 syllables:
ichthyosauria, foraminifera, anadenanthera, diapheromera, ephemeroptera, megachiroptera, microchiroptera

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