Common multi-word phrases that nearly rhyme with gee-gee:
2 syllables:
beam sea,
beam tree,
beats me,
beat me,
bee gee,
bee tree,
be be,
be free,
be he,
be key,
be me,
be pre,
be three,
be we,
bg eee,
br tb,
b tree,
cf cd,
cgi c,
cheat me,
chee chee,
chhi chhi,
ci li,
cmc cc,
cpf tb,
cpi c,
cpi spi,
cream tea,
cs cd,
ctsf pc,
c rly,
c wfi,
db dc,
deal tree,
deep sea,
deep v,
dee dee,
dmd cd,
dni e,
dn dc,
dreamed she,
dream he,
dtt cd,
dvi d,
dw tv,
dxi sni,
d lee,
each be,
each key,
each tree,
east sea,
eat me,
egswg t,
epe d,
e nni,
fci ci,
feed me,
feels free,
feels he,
feels she,
feel free,
feel he,
feel me,
feel she,
feel we,
field he,
field we,
flt cc,
fpi gpi,
fpi ppi,
freed me,
free tree,
gc cd,
gee gee,
greek bouzouki,
greek key,
greek tea,
greens fee,
green e,
green sea,
green tree,
greets me,
greet me,
greez e,
grieved me,
grieves me,
gri gri,
gt dc,
hd tv,
heal me,
hears me,
hear he,
hear me,
hear thee,
hear ye,
heat t,
hee hee,
here be,
here he,
here she,
here three,
here we,
he be,
he he,
he see,
he she,
he zi,
jean pougny,
jicc d,
keeps me,
keep me,
keep thee,
key key,
ki ki,
ki tse,
ki yi,
lcd tv,
leads me,
leaf flea,
least be,
least he,
least she,
least three,
least we,
leaves be,
leaves me,
leave me,
leave thee,
li bó,
li li,
li qi,
li si,
li ti,
li ye,
lpi d,
lrf dc,
mdr tb,
means be,
means he,
means she,
means we,
mean free,
mean he,
mean sea,
mean she,
mean we,
meet me,
me be,
me free,
me he,
me see,
me she,
me three,
me we,
mmse dc,
msn tv,
mti t,
my spy,
ncs cc,
ndi e,
needs be,
needs me,
need be,
need me,
need we,
neem tree,
ne ne,
nfe tb,
nfty ne,
ngfi b,
ni ni,
nn tb,
nrl dc,
nsc dc,
nsc pc,
nw dc,
ny ny,
oui oui,
pci e,
pdi p,
pdi v,
peace be,
peach tea,
pee chee,
pee pee,
pee wee,
pfbc cc,
pleased me,
please be,
please me,
please see,
please thee,
pli ppli,
py py,
p nni,
p tmsi,
p tree,
pí pá,
qrhf cc,
qty di,
queens ny,
queen b,
qui me,
rc cc,
rdi p,
rdi v,
reached me,
reach me,
real me,
real tree,
rfi ri,
rf dc,
ri ri,
rlgm cd,
rouly pouly,
rt pc,
scene he,
sci d,
sea flea,
seed tree,
seemed he,
seems he,
seems we,
seen me,
sees me,
see bee,
see he,
see me,
see she,
see thee,
see three,
see we,
seized me,
sf cd,
she be,
she he,
she see,
shi shi,
si ie,
si sci,
speech he,
squeeze me,
sri sri,
ss cc,
street he,
sweet tea,
td cd,
teach me,
teach thee,
teak tree,
teased me,
tease me,
tea tree,
tee hee,
tee pee,
tee vee,
te te,
these be,
these free,
these he,
these key,
these pre,
these she,
these three,
these we,
three d,
three key,
tnn tb,
treats me,
treat me,
tse hsi,
tse tse,
t pee,
t wfi,
vii viii,
vpci vci,
vpi vci,
vries de,
wcst cc,
weak d,
weak tea,
weed sci,
weed tea,
weed tree,
weeks he,
weeks she,
weeks we,
week he,
week she,
week we,
wee gee,
wee me,
wee wee,
we be,
we see,
we three,
wf pc,
wicc t,
wie sie,
wi wi,
wsbt tv,
ye te,
ye ye,
yi he,
yi li,
zi xi,
z tree,
ægean sea

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This experimental new tab on RhymeZone shows you phrases that might be good matches for your multi-syllable query word. For example, the word poetry produces phrase rhymes like boba tea and swollen knee and hopeful he and moments we. Some of these (like "boba tea") are single conceptual units, while others (like "hopeful he") are sentence fragments. Both kinds of results may be useful when writing slant rhymes that cross line boundaries, which are popular in hip hop lyrics and musical theater. Typically, RhymeZone's phrase rhymes are assonant (share vowel sounds) with the query word, with some degree of consonant match as well.

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