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Things fudden often describes (“fudden ________”)
death, change, changes, attack, revolution, tranfition, appearance, turn, departure, alteration, emergency, return, revolutions, invafion, impulfe, tranfitions, guft, manner, elevation, refolution, panic, emergencies, rife, heat, eruption, fit, paffion, retreat, ftorm, check, noife, turns, fall, attacks, blaze, accidents, thaw, deaths, blaft, alarm, irruption, ftroke, blow, arrival, emotion, violence, fear, effort, incurfions, flight, effect, fortune, motion, gufts, view, accident, riches, increafe, fright, ftop, explofion, ftart, march, illnefs, terror, occafion, anger, difappearance, growth, refentment, efforts, fqualls, deftruction, burft, reverfe, fly, thought, flop, incurfion, removal, tranfport, fits, attempt, affluence, rage, call, alterations, emotions, fury, light, aflault, calm, furprize, queftion, calamity, end, fquall, ftarts, lofs

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