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Things faintest often describes (“faintest ________”)
idea, trace, notion, hint, sound, suspicion, shadow, suggestion, conception, sign, hope, glimmer, whisper, breath, tinge, chance, touch, indication, interest, stars, resemblance, smile, doubt, degree, echo, gleam, clue, recollection, traces, intention, desire, inkling, light, breeze, flicker, star, possibility, spark, ray, shade, whiff, allusion, outline, murmur, movement, knowledge, impression, note, tremor, glimpse, rustle, sounds, glow, scent, wish, signs, noise, expression, thought, reason, attempt, memory, semblance, intimation, blush, glimmering, sigh, show, motion, prospect, cry, understanding, appearance, flush, smell, ripple, objects, emotion, symptom, vestige, echoes, odor, bit, hints, inclination, pink, feeling, quiver, color, indications, tone, notice, tint

Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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