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Things exhaustive often describes (“exhaustive ________”)
study, list, search, analysis, treatment, review, account, survey, discussion, examination, research, investigation, bibliography, work, studies, description, treatise, tests, knowledge, listing, report, testing, enumeration, exercise, detail, set, history, inquiry, coverage, collection, manner, classification, information, catalogue, investigations, definition, lists, index, experiments, statement, explanation, presentation, summary, series, inventory, searches, researches, consideration, compilation, efforts, test, article, analyses, monograph, evaluation, biography, exploration, commentary, inquiries, exposition, notes, effort, discussions, comparison, paper, book, answer, reports, extraction, descriptions, interpretation, reviews, overview, bibliographies, documentation, surveys, criticism, enquiry, division, guide, categories, accounts, record, reading, details, concordance, references, enquiries, catalog

How exhaustive often is described (“________ exhaustive”)
least, very

Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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