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Things embattled often describes (“embattled ________”)
tower, farmers, parapet, walls, wall, minority, hosts, towers, president, city, position, nation, armies, government, forces, state, parapets, nations, country, host, community, group, field, world, lines, fortress, farmer, army, leader, troops, republic, regime, pile, turrets, gateway, plain, democracy, workers, situation, church, britain, ranks, communities, island, legions, minister, defenders, house, europe, cornice, town, turret, figure, south, top, front, squadrons, paradise, train, soldiers, union, courage, land, administration, leaders, seraphim, status, foes, powers, company, castles, positions, gate, garrison, warriors, industry, hero, allies, self, secretary, territory, parties

How embattled often is described (“________ embattled”)
chief, fess, reed, corny, pale

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