Words that almost rhyme with embark:† (85 results)
(These are near rhymes. For exact rhymes, click the "Rhymes" link above.)
1 syllable:
perk, lurk, fork, dirk, burke, pork, york, shirk, jerk, turk, torque, stork, murk, irk, kirk, quirk, smirk, cork, cirque, stirk, clerk, work, chirk, bork, dork, klerk, merck
perk, lurk, fork, dirk, burke, pork, york, shirk, jerk, turk, torque, stork, murk, irk, kirk, quirk, smirk, cork, cirque, stirk, clerk, work, chirk, bork, dork, klerk, merck
2 syllables:
knee jerk, berserk, at work, field work, young turk, white stork, file clerk, town clerk, new york, salt pork, rework, uncork, desk clerk, bank clerk, black stork, do work, grand turk, mail clerk, roast pork, room clerk, shop clerk, wood stork
knee jerk, berserk, at work, field work, young turk, white stork, file clerk, town clerk, new york, salt pork, rework, uncork, desk clerk, bank clerk, black stork, do work, grand turk, mail clerk, roast pork, room clerk, shop clerk, wood stork
3 syllables:
piece of work, carving fork, soda jerk, tuning fork, welfare work, social work, clean and jerk, overwork, out of work, shipping clerk, bead and quirk, booking clerk, cut of pork, filing clerk, hotel clerk, house of york, line of work, postal clerk, put to work, salad fork, salesclerk, side of pork, tally clerk, toasting fork
piece of work, carving fork, soda jerk, tuning fork, welfare work, social work, clean and jerk, overwork, out of work, shipping clerk, bead and quirk, booking clerk, cut of pork, filing clerk, hotel clerk, house of york, line of work, postal clerk, put to work, salad fork, salesclerk, side of pork, tally clerk, toasting fork
4 syllables:
adjutant stork, body of work, detective work, dramatic work, hotel desk clerk, marabou stork, reference work
adjutant stork, body of work, detective work, dramatic work, hotel desk clerk, marabou stork, reference work
6 syllables:
capital of new york
Table of complete results:
capital of new york
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