Words and phrases that rhyme with dorsal: (19 results)
2 syllables:
doorsill, door sill, dorsale, dorsel, forsell, morsal, morsel, noursle, sourcil, thorsell, torsal, torsel, warsle
doorsill, door sill, dorsale, dorsel, forsell, morsal, morsel, noursle, sourcil, thorsell, torsal, torsel, warsle
5 syllables:
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (53 results)
2 syllables:
tercel, martial, jarful, marshal, earful, fearful, carful, servile, marshall, serval, ireful, direful, cheerful, careful, tearful, partial, parcel, tarsal, chervil, marvel, ear-shell, sporophyl, tiercel
tercel, martial, jarful, marshal, earful, fearful, carful, servile, marshall, serval, ireful, direful, cheerful, careful, tearful, partial, parcel, tarsal, chervil, marvel, ear-shell, sporophyl, tiercel
3 syllables:
traversal, field marshal, impartial, transversal, commercial, colourful, dispersal, reversal, rehearsal, earl marshal, john marshall, disbursal, too-careful, uncheerful, unservile
traversal, field marshal, impartial, transversal, commercial, colourful, dispersal, reversal, rehearsal, earl marshal, john marshall, disbursal, too-careful, uncheerful, unservile
4 syllables:
overcareful, controversial, universal, provost marshal, dress rehearsal, metatarsal, fire marshal, fire marshall, interspersal, mangel-wurzel, mangold-wurzel, noncommercial
overcareful, controversial, universal, provost marshal, dress rehearsal, metatarsal, fire marshal, fire marshall, interspersal, mangel-wurzel, mangold-wurzel, noncommercial
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— Nouns for dorsal: surface, view, fin, side, aspect, nucleus, part, ganglia, margin, wall, root, more...
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