Near rhymes
Related words
[Phrase rhymes]
Descriptive words
Similar sound
Same consonants
2 syllables :
air it ,
bear it ,
bear pit ,
bed sit ,
bell pit ,
bend it ,
best fit ,
best it ,
bet it ,
cess pit ,
checked it ,
check it ,
cleanse it ,
death it ,
else it ,
end it ,
eng lit ,
ere it ,
ex pit ,
fair bit ,
fair hit ,
felt it ,
fetch it ,
gets it ,
get fit ,
get hit ,
guessed it ,
guess it ,
head grit ,
head hit ,
head it ,
held it ,
hells pit ,
helped it ,
help it ,
hence it ,
kept it ,
kept nit ,
lead it ,
led it ,
left it ,
leg hit ,
lend it ,
length it ,
less it ,
lest it ,
lets it ,
let it ,
l bit ,
meant it ,
mend it ,
men it ,
met it ,
net split ,
next it ,
peg it ,
pet sit ,
pressed it ,
press fit ,
press it ,
press kit ,
read it ,
red lit ,
rem fit ,
rent it ,
rj mitte ,
said it ,
says it ,
sells it ,
sell it ,
sends it ,
send it ,
sensed it ,
sense it ,
sent it ,
sets it ,
set it ,
shared it ,
share it ,
shred it ,
smell it ,
spell it ,
spend it ,
spent it ,
spread it ,
squares fit ,
stepped it ,
steps it ,
stretch it ,
swear it ,
tear it ,
tells it ,
tell it ,
test it ,
test kit ,
test pit ,
them it ,
then hit ,
then it ,
then sit ,
there it ,
wear it ,
weft knit ,
well it ,
well knit ,
well lit ,
west brit ,
west it ,
whence it ,
when it ,
where it ,
wrenched it ,
wren tit ,
x bit ,
yes it ,
yet it
3 syllables :
accepts it ,
accept it ,
affect it ,
against it ,
again it ,
attempt it ,
collect it ,
commend it ,
compared it ,
compares it ,
compare it ,
condemned it ,
condemns it ,
condemn it ,
confess it ,
connect it ,
correct it ,
declared it ,
declare it ,
defend it ,
detect it ,
direct hit ,
direct it ,
effects it ,
effect it ,
events it ,
event it ,
except it ,
expect it ,
expressed it ,
express it ,
extend it ,
extent it ,
forgets it ,
forget it ,
instead it ,
invest it ,
itself it ,
perfect fit ,
possess it ,
prepared it ,
prepare it ,
pretend it ,
prevents it ,
prevent it ,
propel it ,
protect it ,
regret it ,
rejects it ,
reject it ,
repair it ,
repair kit ,
repress it ,
request it ,
resell it ,
resent it ,
respects it ,
respect it ,
select it ,
subject it ,
suggests it ,
suggest it ,
suppress it ,
suspect it ,
tom skerritt ,
unless it ,
better fit ,
better it ,
effort it ,
entered it ,
enter it ,
ever hit ,
ever it ,
measure it ,
never hit ,
never quit ,
pleasure it ,
rendered it ,
renders it ,
render it ,
weather bit ,
whether it
4 syllables :
apprehend it ,
bene gesserit ,
comprehend it ,
indirect hit ,
nonetheless it ,
patsy kensit ,
recommend it ,
represent it ,
however it ,
pierre perret ,
remembered it ,
remember it ,
whatever it ,
whenever it ,
wherever it ,
whoever it
5 syllables :
nevertheless it
What's up with this "phrase rhymes" section?
This experimental new tab on RhymeZone shows you
phrases that might be good matches for your multi-syllable query word. For example, the word
poetry produces phrase rhymes like boba tea and swollen knee and
hopeful he and moments we . Some of these (like "boba tea") are
single conceptual units, while others (like "hopeful he") are sentence
fragments. Both kinds of results may be useful when writing slant
rhymes that cross line boundaries, which are popular in hip hop lyrics and
musical theater. Typically, RhymeZone's phrase rhymes are assonant (share
vowel sounds) with the query word, with some degree of consonant match as well.
You'll often find lots of options in this tab, including many junky ones
that don't work well. Stay tuned while we find the right formula!
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