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Things desperate often describes (“desperate ________”)
need, attempt, effort, struggle, situation, efforts, men, resistance, straits, attempts, measures, battle, man, fight, condition, fighting, state, search, circumstances, courage, plight, conflict, hope, cases, character, act, resolution, position, measure, desire, remedies, action, charge, attack, bid, situations, case, poverty, expedient, enterprise, defence, characters, stand, game, struggles, appeal, remedy, energy, war, cry, chance, battles, plea, venture, move, look, gamble, encounter, haste, step, assault, valour, hurry, determination, shortage, resolve, means, moment, valor, undertaking, needs, longing, defense, race, acts, leap, adventure, plan, fortunes, flight, love, urgency, fear, resort, combat, contest, bravery

How desperate often is described (“________ desperate”)
mere, deep, your, last, only

Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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