Words and phrases that almost rhyme with charge d'affaires:† (82 results)
(These are near rhymes. For exact rhymes, click the "Rhymes" link above.)
1 syllable:
bars, tours, stores, doors, fears, ers, peers, wars, years, scores, stars, shears, cheers, yours, furze, drawers, ears, mars, ares, clears, beers, cures, cars, gears, corps, hers, car's, chores, floors, fours, gore's, hears, here's, poor's, r.'s, r.s, scars, sears, shores, slurs, smears, star's, war's, year's, years'
bars, tours, stores, doors, fears, ers, peers, wars, years, scores, stars, shears, cheers, yours, furze, drawers, ears, mars, ares, clears, beers, cures, cars, gears, corps, hers, car's, chores, floors, fours, gore's, hears, here's, poor's, r.'s, r.s, scars, sears, shores, slurs, smears, star's, war's, year's, years'
2 syllables:
ours, hours, fires, outdoors, hires, algiers, wires, azores, appears, careers, cigars, explores, frontiers, guitars, ignores, inspires, occurs, prefers, raptores, refers, requires, tangiers, transfers, velours, weltschmerz
ours, hours, fires, outdoors, hires, algiers, wires, azores, appears, careers, cigars, explores, frontiers, guitars, ignores, inspires, occurs, prefers, raptores, refers, requires, tangiers, transfers, velours, weltschmerz
3 syllables:
volunteers, disappears, engineers, helicteres, npr's, out-of-doors, pinnotheres, pioneers, souvenirs, superstars, underscores
volunteers, disappears, engineers, helicteres, npr's, out-of-doors, pinnotheres, pioneers, souvenirs, superstars, underscores
4 syllables:
Table of complete results:
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