Common multi-word phrases that nearly rhyme with ceroplasty:
2 syllables:
acsc e,
acs c,
actd t,
act be,
act e,
act he,
act stby,
add me,
ads b,
ads c,
ads xxi,
adt d,
afdc c,
afscf spi,
als sie,
al douri,
al houthi,
al suri,
am free,
am he,
ang b,
ang lee,
anne mee,
ann lee,
an he,
an ni,
apds t,
apfsds t,
app v,
apsb ne,
asc p,
asc see,
ash key,
asked me,
asks me,
ask me,
ask thee,
atd b,
atd c,
ats p,
at he,
at key,
at khe,
at me,
at pre,
at te,
at tea,
at three,
at xxi,
aunt bea,
avm b,
back fee,
back he,
back knee,
back she,
back we,
bad he,
banh mi,
bat d,
black flea,
blanch fee,
camd d,
cant see,
can be,
can free,
can see,
can she,
can we,
capped knee,
casscf cci,
cast me,
cas pwi,
catch me,
cat tree,
ccas c,
chance he,
chance she,
chance we,
chang te,
chaq di,
chiang hsi,
chwang tse,
class b,
class c,
class d,
class e,
class g,
class he,
crab tree,
cramérs v,
dacs te,
dasps e,
dass sie,
das c,
datms c,
datm c,
dfas de,
dragged me,
drag me,
drank tea,
fab t,
facts we,
fact be,
fact he,
fact she,
fact we,
fac p,
fams b,
fams c,
fang e,
fast cgi,
fast scsi,
fat free,
fat tree,
flag key,
flash key,
flat fee,
frag he,
frank fee,
gal d,
glad he,
glad she,
glad we,
glass tty,
grabbed me,
grab me,
graf spee,
grands prix,
grand pre,
grand rhône,
grant me,
hacc b,
hac d,
had free,
had he,
had me,
had she,
had tea,
had three,
had we,
half g,
half p,
ham d,
hands free,
hands he,
hand he,
hand me,
hand she,
hand we,
hanns g,
haq di,
has he,
has me,
has she,
has three,
hath he,
hat tree,
have free,
have me,
have tea,
have three,
have we,
hvap t,
jack tree,
jag ti,
jasg c,
jcpat e,
kang de,
kang hsi,
kang te,
kang tê,
kang xi,
lac z,
land be,
land he,
land we,
lan di,
lap b,
lap d,
lap p,
lap v,
lasc g,
lasts three,
last be,
last he,
last she,
last three,
last we,
latch key,
liang yi,
macs d,
mac d,
mac v,
mac óc,
mag g,
man be,
man he,
man she,
man sie,
man we,
marang tree,
match three,
math p,
matt taibbi,
maté tea,
max b,
nap d,
pac c,
pac d,
pam d,
passed me,
pass key,
pass me,
past he,
past me,
past three,
past we,
path he,
path we,
pat nee,
plant sci,
plan b,
plan d,
plan he,
plan z,
ram c,
ram d,
ram t,
rang me,
rat flea,
raz b,
rnap c,
rnap d,
sack tree,
sac ci,
sac d,
sad tree,
sag d,
samp t,
sams e,
sam d,
sam e,
sam p,
sand sea,
sas c,
satp p,
scam d,
seram sea,
shabse tzvi,
shabse zvi,
shall be,
shall bee,
shall flee,
shall he,
shall see,
shall we,
shalt be,
shalt see,
shal be,
shang ti,
shan hsi,
shan si,
slack key,
slapped me,
slap me,
smast g,
sram t,
strams e,
tab vee,
taccs e,
tack free,
tant mieux,
tan sri,
tapdb g,
tapped me,
task he,
tax free,
tcac d,
thanked me,
thanks be,
thank me,
thank thee,
than be,
than free,
than he,
than me,
than see,
than she,
than three,
than we,
that be,
that free,
that key,
that lee,
that pre,
that sea,
that see,
that she,
that three,
that tree,
that we,
tlam c,
tlam d,
tmacsb d,
tmacs b,
tmacs d,
valve key,
van zee,
vast c,
vast sea,
vat b,
vax d,
wang shih,
wang wi,
wax tree,
wqas p,
wrap fee,
yang ti,
yang tse,
zhang he,
zhang yi,
zhuang zi
acsc e,
acs c,
actd t,
act be,
act e,
act he,
act stby,
add me,
ads b,
ads c,
ads xxi,
adt d,
afdc c,
afscf spi,
als sie,
al douri,
al houthi,
al suri,
am free,
am he,
ang b,
ang lee,
anne mee,
ann lee,
an he,
an ni,
apds t,
apfsds t,
app v,
apsb ne,
asc p,
asc see,
ash key,
asked me,
asks me,
ask me,
ask thee,
atd b,
atd c,
ats p,
at he,
at key,
at khe,
at me,
at pre,
at te,
at tea,
at three,
at xxi,
aunt bea,
avm b,
back fee,
back he,
back knee,
back she,
back we,
bad he,
banh mi,
bat d,
black flea,
blanch fee,
camd d,
cant see,
can be,
can free,
can see,
can she,
can we,
capped knee,
casscf cci,
cast me,
cas pwi,
catch me,
cat tree,
ccas c,
chance he,
chance she,
chance we,
chang te,
chaq di,
chiang hsi,
chwang tse,
class b,
class c,
class d,
class e,
class g,
class he,
crab tree,
cramérs v,
dacs te,
dasps e,
dass sie,
das c,
datms c,
datm c,
dfas de,
dragged me,
drag me,
drank tea,
fab t,
facts we,
fact be,
fact he,
fact she,
fact we,
fac p,
fams b,
fams c,
fang e,
fast cgi,
fast scsi,
fat free,
fat tree,
flag key,
flash key,
flat fee,
frag he,
frank fee,
gal d,
glad he,
glad she,
glad we,
glass tty,
grabbed me,
grab me,
graf spee,
grands prix,
grand pre,
grand rhône,
grant me,
hacc b,
hac d,
had free,
had he,
had me,
had she,
had tea,
had three,
had we,
half g,
half p,
ham d,
hands free,
hands he,
hand he,
hand me,
hand she,
hand we,
hanns g,
haq di,
has he,
has me,
has she,
has three,
hath he,
hat tree,
have free,
have me,
have tea,
have three,
have we,
hvap t,
jack tree,
jag ti,
jasg c,
jcpat e,
kang de,
kang hsi,
kang te,
kang tê,
kang xi,
lac z,
land be,
land he,
land we,
lan di,
lap b,
lap d,
lap p,
lap v,
lasc g,
lasts three,
last be,
last he,
last she,
last three,
last we,
latch key,
liang yi,
macs d,
mac d,
mac v,
mac óc,
mag g,
man be,
man he,
man she,
man sie,
man we,
marang tree,
match three,
math p,
matt taibbi,
maté tea,
max b,
nap d,
pac c,
pac d,
pam d,
passed me,
pass key,
pass me,
past he,
past me,
past three,
past we,
path he,
path we,
pat nee,
plant sci,
plan b,
plan d,
plan he,
plan z,
ram c,
ram d,
ram t,
rang me,
rat flea,
raz b,
rnap c,
rnap d,
sack tree,
sac ci,
sac d,
sad tree,
sag d,
samp t,
sams e,
sam d,
sam e,
sam p,
sand sea,
sas c,
satp p,
scam d,
seram sea,
shabse tzvi,
shabse zvi,
shall be,
shall bee,
shall flee,
shall he,
shall see,
shall we,
shalt be,
shalt see,
shal be,
shang ti,
shan hsi,
shan si,
slack key,
slapped me,
slap me,
smast g,
sram t,
strams e,
tab vee,
taccs e,
tack free,
tant mieux,
tan sri,
tapdb g,
tapped me,
task he,
tax free,
tcac d,
thanked me,
thanks be,
thank me,
thank thee,
than be,
than free,
than he,
than me,
than see,
than she,
than three,
than we,
that be,
that free,
that key,
that lee,
that pre,
that sea,
that see,
that she,
that three,
that tree,
that we,
tlam c,
tlam d,
tmacsb d,
tmacs b,
tmacs d,
valve key,
van zee,
vast c,
vast sea,
vat b,
vax d,
wang shih,
wang wi,
wax tree,
wqas p,
wrap fee,
yang ti,
yang tse,
zhang he,
zhang yi,
zhuang zi
3 syllables:
advanced key,
advance fee,
attacked me,
attack me,
attracts me,
ceram sea,
command thee,
distract me,
embac d,
embac p,
enhanced mri,
finance be,
fortran d,
fortran v,
impact fee,
japan pea,
japan sea,
nia ali,
nick lachey,
pascal p,
perhaps be,
perhaps he,
perhaps she,
perhaps three,
perhaps we,
react p,
whereas he,
whereas we
advanced key,
advance fee,
attacked me,
attack me,
attracts me,
ceram sea,
command thee,
distract me,
embac d,
embac p,
enhanced mri,
finance be,
fortran d,
fortran v,
impact fee,
japan pea,
japan sea,
nia ali,
nick lachey,
pascal p,
perhaps be,
perhaps he,
perhaps she,
perhaps three,
perhaps we,
react p,
whereas he,
whereas we
4 syllables:
ashraf ghani,
barkhad abdi,
bhad bhabie,
greta scacchi,
john vianney,
laila ali,
marrowfat pea,
meezaan jafri,
pierre gasly,
roger daltrey,
understands me,
understand me,
zheng jiaqi
ashraf ghani,
barkhad abdi,
bhad bhabie,
greta scacchi,
john vianney,
laila ali,
marrowfat pea,
meezaan jafri,
pierre gasly,
roger daltrey,
understands me,
understand me,
zheng jiaqi
What's up with this "phrase rhymes" section?
This experimental new tab on RhymeZone shows you phrases that might be good matches for your multi-syllable query word. For example, the word poetry produces phrase rhymes like boba tea and swollen knee and hopeful he and moments we. Some of these (like "boba tea") are single conceptual units, while others (like "hopeful he") are sentence fragments. Both kinds of results may be useful when writing slant rhymes that cross line boundaries, which are popular in hip hop lyrics and musical theater. Typically, RhymeZone's phrase rhymes are assonant (share vowel sounds) with the query word, with some degree of consonant match as well.You'll often find lots of options in this tab, including many junky ones that don't work well. Stay tuned while we find the right formula!
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