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Words and phrases that rhyme with canidae:   (161 results)

2 syllables:
b-day, c-day, c day, d-day, d day, e day, g day, key day, leday, p day, si day, t-day, three day, t day, ve day, v day, z day

3 syllables:
amide, amiidae, arctiidae, botiidae, bruchidae, buthidae, cardiidae, cestidae, clinidae, cypraeidae, iniidae, kerriidae, laniidae, laridae, lygaeidae, penaeidae, pholcidae, phthiriidae, phylliidae, pieridae, proteidae, rajidae, stichaeidae, taeniidae, tarsiidae, teiidae, vp day, ziphiidae

4 syllables:
aegypiidae, alopiidae, aplysiidae, babesiidae, bombyliidae, bufonidae, casuaridae, ceratiidae, cetoniidae, chalcididae, charadriidae, cheloniidae, ciconiidae, cymatiidae, dilleniidae, dromaiidae, eschrichtiidae, estrildidae, evaniidae, gekkonidae, gelechiidae, glossinidae, grammistidae, heracleidae, hesperiidae, iguanidae, jacanidae, lucanidae, lymantriidae, mammutidae, merlucciidae, minamide, monamide, nereididae, olamide, ophidiidae, orchestiidae, phalangiidae, plataleidae, prothionamide, psychodidae, pythonidae, raphidiidae, reduviidae, saturniidae, scarabaeidae, spalacidae, stomiidae, stromateidae, timaliidae, tinamidae, trypetidae, tupaiidae, xantusiidae, xylamide

5 syllables:
acrylamide, amioidei, anisakidae, anomiidae, anthomyiidae, aplodontiidae, arsenamide, caenolestidae, chloralamide, dactylopiidae, daubentoniidae, dorzolamide, elephantidae, eosimiidae, erinaceidae, ethanamide, gasterosteidae, glibenclamide, gomphotheriidae, lepisosteidae, malacanthidae, meiolaniidae, nectariniidae, paradisaeidae, peridiniidae, petauristidae, phalangeridae, platanistidae, procainamide, propanamide, rauisuchidae, rhinobatidae, safinamide, scutelleridae, sulfonamide, sulphonamide, tettigoniidae

6 syllables:
allophanamide, amphicyonidae, antilocapridae, arctocyonidae, armadillidiidae, brevicipitidae, cecidomyiidae, cheirogaleidae, dichlorphenamide, ethionamide, hemicyonidae, niacinamide, nicotinamide, oxanillamide, papilionidae, porcellionidae, proprionamide, pyrazinamide, salicylamide, sulfanilamide, sulphanilamide

7 syllables:
acetazolamide, polyacrylamide

9 syllables:

Words and phrases that almost rhyme :   (28 results)

2 syllables:

3 syllables:
calcify, stratify, classify, ratify, pacify, alibi, nazify, sanctify, pasiphae, amplify, ramify, alkali, cap-a-pie, basify, satisfy, gratify, dragonfly, magnify, philippe

4 syllables:
declassify, syllabify, beatify, decalcify, anatidae, elapidae, dissatisfy

5 syllables:

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Adjectives for canidae: wild, other, family, recent, modern, large, arctic, ordinary

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