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Similar-sounding words in the dictionary:

bab, babb, bache, back, backe, bad, badge, bag, bagg, bagge, bahl, bahm, bahn, bail, baile, bak, bakke, balch, bale, ball, balle, bam, ban, bang, banh, bann, basch, bash, bass, basse, bat, batch, bath, batt, batte, bawl, bayle, baz, beal, beale, beall, beel, behl, beil, bel, bell, belle, berle, beyl, bhatt, biehl, biel, bihl, bil, bile, bill, bille, birle, boal, boehl, bohl, boil, bol, bole, boll, bolle, boole, boule, bowl, boyle, bull, buol, burl, cal, dal, gal, hal, halle, kal, lal, mal, malle, pal, sal, shall, thal, val

balla, ballew, balli, ballo, ballow, ballowe, bally, balogh, balow

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