Common multi-word phrases that nearly rhyme with bailer:
2 syllables:
age were,
aides were,
aims were,
bade her,
bathed her,
bathe her,
bei der,
blades were,
blamed her,
blame her,
braced her,
brains were,
brakes were,
break her,
case were,
caves were,
chains were,
changed her,
change her,
change were,
chased her,
che per,
claimed her,
claims were,
claim her,
craned her,
danes were,
dates were,
days per,
days were,
day her,
day per,
day were,
draped her,
eight per,
eight were,
faced her,
face her,
face were,
failed her,
faith were,
fake fur,
fates were,
flakes were,
flames were,
frage der,
frames per,
frames were,
gains were,
games were,
gates were,
gave her,
grades were,
grains per,
grains were,
grain per,
grapes were,
graves were,
grazed her,
great stir,
hates her,
hate her,
jails were,
james kerr,
james schouler,
kay sir,
k dur,
lage der,
laid her,
lake er,
late sir,
lays her,
lay her,
made her,
made were,
maids were,
mails were,
makes her,
make her,
males per,
males were,
mates were,
nails were,
named her,
names were,
name her,
name were,
paid her,
pained her,
paise per,
pay her,
placed her,
place her,
place were,
plagued her,
planes were,
plates were,
played her,
plays were,
play her,
praised her,
race were,
raids were,
rails were,
raised her,
raise her,
raked her,
raped her,
rates per,
rates were,
rate per,
rate were,
rays were,
sails were,
saints were,
sales per,
sales were,
saved her,
saves her,
save her,
say her,
scales were,
scale were,
shakes her,
shake her,
slaves were,
space were,
spain were,
stage were,
stakes were,
states were,
state were,
strains were,
takes her,
take her,
tales were,
tapes were,
they were,
trade were,
trailed her,
trains were,
traits were,
trays were,
wage per,
wake her,
waved her,
waves were,
ways were,
way her,
way were,
weights were,
weight per,
whales were
5 syllables:
alyssa naeher

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This experimental new tab on RhymeZone shows you phrases that might be good matches for your multi-syllable query word. For example, the word poetry produces phrase rhymes like boba tea and swollen knee and hopeful he and moments we. Some of these (like "boba tea") are single conceptual units, while others (like "hopeful he") are sentence fragments. Both kinds of results may be useful when writing slant rhymes that cross line boundaries, which are popular in hip hop lyrics and musical theater. Typically, RhymeZone's phrase rhymes are assonant (share vowel sounds) with the query word, with some degree of consonant match as well.

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