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Things asinine often describes (“asinine ________”)
thing, expression, things, questions, question, stupidity, remark, way, ears, behavior, idea, feast, remarks, statement, patience, comment, statements, nature, performance, grin, comments, qualities, form, vanity, circulation, ideas, race, notion, game, conversation, length, reason, complacency, attempt, braying, theory, answer, smile, jokes, blunder, story, stunt, giggling, policy, fashion, fool, precaution, subject, speech, roundelays, plan, proposal, head, unction, decision, decisions, character, mistakes, behaviour, figure, manner, imitations, fooling, persons, being, stubbornness, doggerel, antics, melancholy, specimens, chatter, rule, bray, condition, proposition, narrator, mistake, conceit, stories, stuff, assumption, business, games, pronouncements, reasons, scheme, talk, adj, rules, attitude, folly, display, affectations, article, applause
How asinine often is described (“________ asinine”)
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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Click on a word above to view its definition.