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Things angular often describes (“angular ________”)
momentum, velocity, distribution, acceleration, frequency, displacement, distance, position, distributions, momenta, fragments, speed, dependence, resolution, motion, gyrus, separation, measurements, diameter, face, range, size, deformity, unconformity, rotation, vector, aperture, positions, movement, deflection, deviation, points, grains, measurement, correlation, blocks, error, measure, width, stomatitis, cheilitis, lines, spread, difference, rate, shape, distances, orientation, particles, divergence, coordinates, advance, variation, figure, movements, pieces, shapes, magnification, distortion, spectrum, dimensions, scales, direction, deformities, dispersion, brackets, ratio, misalignment, stones, extent, vein, relationships, frequencies, motions, impulse

How angular often is described (“________ angular”)
relative, shaped, dual, pyloric

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