Near rhymes
Related words
[Phrase rhymes]
Descriptive words
3 syllables :
been busy ,
been clearly ,
been guilty ,
been merely ,
been nearly ,
been pretty ,
been privy ,
been really ,
been simply ,
been strictly ,
bidding me ,
big city ,
big piney ,
big willie ,
big willy ,
bill bixby ,
bit tricky ,
brick chimney ,
bridge city ,
bringing me ,
chickling pea ,
chris christie ,
civic si ,
clearing fee ,
clics ii ,
cn iii ,
ddr iii ,
dill city ,
drinking tea ,
english pea ,
english tea ,
fearing she ,
fifth degree ,
film theory ,
finished he ,
fist city ,
fritz zwicky ,
giving me ,
gris grimly ,
hill city ,
him dearly ,
him fiercely ,
him guilty ,
him quickly ,
him simply ,
his busy ,
his city ,
his degree ,
his fifty ,
his kingly ,
his pretty ,
his princely ,
his sixty ,
his skinny ,
his theory ,
his weary ,
his witty ,
hitting me ,
htlv iii ,
igf ii ,
iiryn e ,
iiryn ve ,
iis g ,
iit jee ,
im idri ,
im illi ,
ingres ii ,
in degree ,
in fieri ,
irr ii ,
is busy ,
is clearly ,
is fifty ,
is guilty ,
is merely ,
is nearly ,
is pretty ,
is quickly ,
is really ,
is richly ,
is risky ,
is silly ,
is simply ,
is strictly ,
its degree ,
its theory ,
it clearly ,
it merely ,
it nearly ,
it pretty ,
it quickly ,
it really ,
it simply ,
jdiics d ,
kicking me ,
kicking tee ,
kidding me ,
killing me ,
killing spree ,
kim dickey ,
kim philby ,
king city ,
king ii ,
king zimri ,
kissing me ,
knit theory ,
mib ii ,
mid city ,
minh city ,
miss bingley ,
miss kitty ,
miss lizzie ,
miss piggy ,
mps iii ,
mrs b ,
mrs t ,
ms ii ,
ms piggy ,
myst ii ,
myth ii ,
niib t ,
nim chimpsky ,
nit picky ,
pierce city ,
queer theory ,
rich city ,
rip city ,
script kiddie ,
script kiddy ,
script kitty ,
silk city ,
sim city ,
singing tree ,
sin city ,
sipping tea ,
sit pretty ,
slick willy ,
smith sydney ,
spears britney ,
spear ii ,
spear lily ,
split city ,
spring city ,
stick chimney ,
stick stickley ,
stick stickly ,
still busy ,
still pretty ,
stinging tree ,
string theory ,
strip city ,
switz city ,
sysreq key ,
things really ,
thinking he ,
thinking she ,
thinking we ,
think clearly ,
this city ,
this clearly ,
this decree ,
this degree ,
this merely ,
this pretty ,
this really ,
this simply ,
this theory ,
thrilled skinny ,
till nearly ,
tim leary ,
tim whiskey ,
tin lizzie ,
tipping fee ,
tipp city ,
trip city ,
twin city ,
which clearly ,
which merely ,
which nearly ,
which quickly ,
which really ,
which simply ,
will clearly ,
will merely ,
will quickly ,
will really ,
will simply ,
wing weary ,
winn dixie ,
wishes he ,
wishing he ,
wishing she ,
wishing tree ,
with billy ,
with city ,
with clearly ,
with fifty ,
with jimmy ,
with merely ,
with nearly ,
with pretty ,
with sixty ,
with theory
4 syllables :
adhere strictly ,
assisting me ,
beginning he ,
belit ili ,
berlin decree ,
brazil chile ,
consists merely ,
consists simply ,
consist merely ,
consist simply ,
convinces me ,
dendritic tree ,
distinguish three ,
lanier sidney ,
madrid city ,
pacific tea ,
permitting me ,
severe degree ,
terrific three ,
until nearly ,
within fifty ,
within sixty
5 syllables :
violin hickey
6 syllables :
amenophis ii
What's up with this "phrase rhymes" section?
This experimental new tab on RhymeZone shows you
phrases that might be good matches for your multi-syllable query word. For example, the word
poetry produces phrase rhymes like boba tea and swollen knee and
hopeful he and moments we . Some of these (like "boba tea") are
single conceptual units, while others (like "hopeful he") are sentence
fragments. Both kinds of results may be useful when writing slant
rhymes that cross line boundaries, which are popular in hip hop lyrics and
musical theater. Typically, RhymeZone's phrase rhymes are assonant (share
vowel sounds) with the query word, with some degree of consonant match as well.
You'll often find lots of options in this tab, including many junky ones
that don't work well. Stay tuned while we find the right formula!
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