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Words and phrases that rhyme with transparent:   (50 results)

2 syllables:
arendt, bear hunt, behrendt, berendt, berent, clarent, erint, errant, ferrant, gerant, geront, geront-, guerrant, parent, werent

3 syllables:
aberrant, apparent, co-parent, declarant, emerant, forbearant, godparent, grandparent, houseparent, imperant, inerrant, inherent, jazerant, knight-errant, knights-errant, lacerant, male parent, step-parent, stepparent, transparant

4 syllables:
equiparent, female parent, foster-parent, foster parent, great-grandparent, great grandparent, heir-apparent, heir apparent, inapparent, rinoceronte, subtransparent, unapparent, untransparent

5 syllables:

6 syllables:

Words and phrases that almost rhyme :   (42 results)

2 syllables:
torrent, spirant, durant, weren't, aren't, arrant, currant, tyrant, current, warrant

3 syllables:
au courant, concurrent, search warrant, coherent, deterrent, fulgurant, recurrent, aspirant, obscurant, abhorrent, death warrant, bench warrant, rip current, adherent, air current, comburant, comburent, noncurrent, stock warrant, susurrant

4 syllables:
arrest warrant, direct current, ocean current, incoherent, japan current, countercurrent, garden current, tidal current

5 syllables:
electric current, antiperspirant, dividend warrant

6 syllables:
alternating current

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Nouns for transparent: material, medium, glass, film, crystals, substance, membrane, paper, liquid, materials, layer, more...

— People also search for: opaque, responsive, impartial, user friendly, truthful, honest, efficient, equitable, unbiased, streamlined, credible, more...

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