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Words and phrases that rhyme with drug:   (178 results)

1 syllable:
bragh, brzeg, bug, bugg, bugge, cb sig, chug, doug, druig, dug, gss tsig, hug, hugg, jug, klug, krug, lbc ig, lug, mug, plug, plugg, plugh, pug, rug, rugg, schug, shrug, slesvig, slug, smug, snug, sprug, sugg, the agg, throg, thug, tug, ugh, zug

2 syllables:
abzug, almug, apcug, aslug, aufzug, auszug, bear-hug, bearhug, bear hug, bedrug, bed bug, beer mug, betrug, bettzeug, bigbug, billbug, boat bug, buttplug, darug, debug, drainplug, earplug, eilzug, fagbug, fahrzeug, fireplug, flugzeug, gelug, glowplug, goldbug, greenbug, homeplug, humbug, junebug, june bug, kuchlug, lace bug, leaf bug, lovebug, macsbug, male plug, may bug, meshugge, misbug, mudbug, mudug, nondrug, okrug, omfug, phone plug, pill bug, plant bug, prayer rug, pro-drug, prodrug, rawlplug, redbug, rose bug, schlagzeug, schnellzug, sea slug, shag rug, smugmug, sowbug, sow bug, sparkplug, spark plug, spielzeug, squash bug, tanjug, tausug, throw rug, true bug, umzug, unplug, wall plug, werkzeug, wheel bug, young thug

3 syllables:
anti-drug, antidrug, aslaug, bunny hug, carpet bug, chug-a-lug, chugalug, coffee mug, crotonbug, doodle-bug, doodlebug, europlug, feuerzeug, firebug, galmudug, instabug, jitterbug, kissing bug, kremenchug, ladybug, lightning bug, litterbug, mandelbug, mealybug, mealy bug, multidrug, nobiskrug, polydrug, roseslug, scatter rug, schroedinbug, semi-slug, sheevaplug, shutterbug, sparking plug, spittlebug, superbug, superdrug, thunder mug, toby jug, tumblebug, ukuug, waterbug, water bug, water jug, weatherbug, whiskey jug, zwischenzug

4 syllables:
arenabg, assassin bug, badeanzug, erasmusbrug, neubaufahrzeug, potato bug, riesenflugzeug, tarnished plant bug, telephone plug

5 syllables:
giant water bug, sweep under the rug, tcl-debug

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