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Words and phrases that rhyme with servile:   (11 results)

2 syllables:
chervil, curval, derval, merval, nerval, serval, servil, vervel, verville

3 syllables:
conferval, unservile

Words and phrases that almost rhyme :   (52 results)

2 syllables:
tercel, martial, jarful, marshal, earful, fearful, morsel, carful, marshall, dorsal, ireful, direful, cheerful, careful, tearful, partial, parcel, tarsal, marvel, ear-shell, sporophyl, tiercel

3 syllables:
traversal, field marshal, impartial, transversal, commercial, colourful, dispersal, reversal, rehearsal, earl marshal, john marshall, choice morsel, disbursal, too-careful, uncheerful

4 syllables:
overcareful, controversial, universal, provost marshal, dress rehearsal, metatarsal, fire marshal, fire marshall, interspersal, mangel-wurzel, mangold-wurzel, noncommercial

5 syllables:
uncontroversial, change by reversal, noncontroversial

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Nouns for servile: imitation, condition, insurrection, work, fear, status, class, war, labor, state, labour, more...

— People also search for: subservient, obsequious, sycophantic, submissive, unprincipled, slavish, acquiescent, pusillanimous, docile, unquestioning, contemptible, more...

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