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Words and phrases that rhyme with oozing:   (48 results)

2 syllables:
boozing, bruising, choosing, cruising, fusing, fuzing, goosing, kreuzung, losing, musing, schmoozing, shmoozing, snoozing, stoozing, using

3 syllables:
abusing, accusing, affusing, amusing, bemusing, confusing, defusing, diffusing, disusing, effusing, enthusing, excusing, ill-using, incusing, infusing, mischoosing, misusing, perfusing, perusing, recusing, refusing, reusing, suffusing, transfusing, vamoosing

4 syllables:
antibusing, circumfusing, disabusing, interfusing, overusing, unamusing, underusing

5 syllables:

Words and phrases that almost rhyme :   (24 results)

2 syllables:
grooving, moving, soothing, frothing, roofing, hoofing, proving, sleuthing

3 syllables:
disproving, adducing, improving, reproving, approving, inducing, unmoving, reducing, producing, get moving, nonmoving, removing, self-moving

4 syllables:
introducing, egg-producing, forward-moving

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Adjectives for oozing: slight, persistent, capillary, slow, general, continuous, constant, considerable, venous, little, much, more...

— People also search for: dripping, exuding, brimming, seeping, spurting, bubbling, drenched, reeking, splattering, sucking, congealing, more...

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