Words and phrases that rhyme with inefficient: (35 results)
3 syllables:
-efficient, allicient, deficient, efficient, objicient, omniscient, perficient, proficient, projicient, prospicient, sufficient, volitient
-efficient, allicient, deficient, efficient, objicient, omniscient, perficient, proficient, projicient, prospicient, sufficient, volitient
4 syllables:
beneficent, beneficient, coefficient, cost-efficient, indeficient, insufficient, maleficient, nonproficient, self-sufficient, tax-efficient, unsufficient
beneficent, beneficient, coefficient, cost-efficient, indeficient, insufficient, maleficient, nonproficient, self-sufficient, tax-efficient, unsufficient
11 syllables:
multiple correlation coefficient
multiple correlation coefficient
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (5 results)
3 syllables:
4 syllables:
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— Nouns for inefficient: use, system, way, management, methods, allocation, firms, industries, process, production, enterprises, more...
— People also search for: outdated, antiquated, inflexible, wasteful, ineffective, cumbersome, outmoded, unproductive, inadequate, uncompetitive, unreliable, more...
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