Words and phrases that rhyme with eccrine: (2360 results)
1 syllable:
-cene, -gene, -teen, bean, beane, been, beene, bein, beine, biehn, bien, biene, blouin, brean, breann, breanne, breen, ceann, cheane, chine, cian, clean, cleen, clene, crean, creen, ctene, dean, deane, deen, deine, diene, drouin, fiene, fleen, frean, freen, gean, gene, gheen, gieen, glean, gleen, gouin, grean, green, greene, grene, haen, hsien, jean, jeane, jeanne, kean, keane, keehn, keen, keene, keine, khene, kiehn, kiehne, kiene, kleen, lean, leanne, leen, lein, leine, lene, lien, mean, mein, meine, mien, miene, nein, nene, peine, phen-, phene, plein, plene, preen, prien, priene, puisne, quean, queen, queene, reen, scene, scheen, schene, schien, schiene, screen, seen, shean, sheen, sheene, skean, skeen, skene, skreen, slean, spean, sphene, spleen, spreen, stean, steen, stene, sthene, streen, strene, sween, szene, teen, teine, thien, thiene, threne, treen, triene, tsine, tween, veen, veine, vien, wean, wein, wheein, wheen, wien, xene
-cene, -gene, -teen, bean, beane, been, beene, bein, beine, biehn, bien, biene, blouin, brean, breann, breanne, breen, ceann, cheane, chine, cian, clean, cleen, clene, crean, creen, ctene, dean, deane, deen, deine, diene, drouin, fiene, fleen, frean, freen, gean, gene, gheen, gieen, glean, gleen, gouin, grean, green, greene, grene, haen, hsien, jean, jeane, jeanne, kean, keane, keehn, keen, keene, keine, khene, kiehn, kiehne, kiene, kleen, lean, leanne, leen, lein, leine, lene, lien, mean, mein, meine, mien, miene, nein, nene, peine, phen-, phene, plein, plene, preen, prien, priene, puisne, quean, queen, queene, reen, scene, scheen, schene, schien, schiene, screen, seen, shean, sheen, sheene, skean, skeen, skene, skreen, slean, spean, sphene, spleen, spreen, stean, steen, stene, sthene, streen, strene, sween, szene, teen, teine, thien, thiene, threne, treen, triene, tsine, tween, veen, veine, vien, wean, wein, wheein, wheen, wien, xene
2 syllables:
-amine, 1-butene, 6teen, a-teen, abrin, adren-, adriene, agene, agin, aileen, alcmene, aldin, aleen, alene, aliene, alkene, alkmene, alleen, allein, alleine, allene, alzene, amebean, ameen, amin, amine, ammeen, ammine, andreen, ardeen, ardene, arene, arguin, arleen, arlene, atene, athene, atween, avine, azine, babouin, baksteen, baleen, baleine, bardeen, beeline, beet green, benzene, berean, bergstein, bescreen, beseen, beth-shean, between, black bean, blazin, blue-green, blue-jean, blue jean, bogbean, boreen, bornstein, brackeen, bradeen, braunstein, brillstein, broadbean, broad bean, bromine, bronstein, brorphine, brownstein, buccin, buckbean, buckstein, burdine, burkeen, burnstein, butene, cadene, cafeine, caffein, caffeine, caffiene, cairene, calgene, camin, camphene, camphine, campin, cancrine, canteen, cantin, careen, carene, carleen, carlene, carvene, casein, caseine, cashion, casteen, catene, cathine, cathleen, celgene, celine, cetene, chagreen, charleen, charlene, charline, chasteen, chemmeen, chimene, chow mein, christeen, christine, chromene, chrome green, citrine, claudine, clymene, coffeen, coffeine, coleen, colene, colleen, coneine, convene, conyrine, coquin, coreen, corine, corinne, cortine, corvine, cotquean, cress green, crimean, crimplene, cristine, crumrine, cuckquean, cuisine, cumene, cunneen, cutscene, cymene, cyrene, cysteine, d'alene, dafne keen, dalene, damin, dark-green, darleen, darlene, dasheen, dauphine, decene, dejean, demean, deneen, dequeen, derouin, dextrine, digene, diketene, dineen, dinneen, disthene, doreen, doucine, draisine, drisheen, dry-clean, dryclean, dry clean, dufrene, eckstein, eighteen, eileen, ellene, epstein, ethene, ethine, eugene, fanzine, farheen, farine, feinstein, feldene, field bean, fierstein, fifteen, filene, flatscreen, flourine, fluorine, foltene, foreseen, forpine, fourteen, francene, francine, french bean, fresh bean, friese-greene, fromstein, fullscreen, fuscine, g-protein, galien, gallien, gamin, gangreen, gardein, geneen, georgene, georgine, ghosteen, gladstein, glasheen, glaucine, glavine, glickstein, glycine, godine, goethean, goheen, gold-green, goldstein, gombeen, goodstein, grabstein, grandjean, graphene, grass-green, grassgreen, greenscreen, greenstein, green bean, grey-green, grinstein, grosjean, grubstein, guanin, guanine, guertin, gustine, gyrene, haleine, haptene, hardouin, hartstein, helene, hellene, helxine, heptene, higiene, hircine, holstein, hoogeveen, hornstein, horsebean, horse bean, hosein, houseclean, humean, hunchine, hygene, hygiene, hygrine, hyoscine, igene, ileen, indene, ireene, irene, ismene, jackeen, jack bean, jade-green, jade green, james deen, janeen, janene, janine, jeanine, joaquin, joleen, jolene, josphine, josquin, justine, kabine, kalkstein, kamseen, kareen, karine, karlene, kathleen, kathlene, kathrine, katrine, katyn, ketene, ketine, khamseen, killeen, kristeen, kristine, kuchean, l-cysteine, lachine, lacin, lactean, lamine, lateen, latrine, laureen, laurene, leaf-green, ledeen, leek-green, leucine, levine, light-green, lime-green, limine, lipstein, lockean, lophine, loreen, lorene, lucene, lurleen, lutrine, lycine, machine, macqueen, make clean, malene, maltine, malvine, marcin, marean, marine, marleen, marleene, marlene, martine, maureen, maxin, maxine, may queen, mcbean, mcbreen, mcclean, mckean, mckeen, mclean, mcmeen, mcqueen, mcsween, medin, mesquin, millstein, milstein, misween, mmr vaccine, modine, moline, moneen, moquin, moreen, moss green, moth bean, mulqueen, mungbean, muntean, murine, myrcene, myrlene, myrrhine, myrsine, myteen, na-dene, nadeen, nadine, nalgene, namkeen, naphthene, nathene, navin, nazneen, neil breen, neurine, nierstein, nighean, nigrine, nineteen, nithiin, nordeen, noreen, nothstein, nunchion, nuveen, o'steen, obscene, octene, off-screen, offscreen, olean, oline, on-screen, on-the-scene, onscreen, oquin, oquinn, orlene, orpine, ossein, osteen, ouarine, p-cymene, p-xylene, pangene, pantene, papin, parkesine, parveen, pasion, pasquin, pauline, pea-green, pearlstein, pea bean, pea green, pebrine, pentene, petrine, pfundstein, philene, phocine, phosphene, phosphine, picene, pilgreen, pinene, pingouin, poitrine, pontine, popscene, poteen, potteen, poutine, pre-teen, prejean, prescreen, preteen, prolene, protein, prunskiene, pteridine, purine, pusheen, quartene, quartine, quercine, rabin, rabine, racine, raelene, rainscreen, rammstein, ramstein, rateen, ratteen, ravine, retene, rood-screen, rood screen, rouquin, routine, rutstein, sabine, sage-green, sage green, saint-jean, sajene, saleen, salin, saline, salt-green, saltine, salween, sarcin, sardine, sarene, sat.1, sateen, savine, scaphion, scorpene, screw bean, sea-green, sean bean, sea green, seguin, seldseen, selene, sengreen, serene, seth green, shagreen, shaheen, sharleen, sharlene, shasteen, shell bean, shereen, shirleen, shoneen, sightscreen, sightseen, silene, silk-screen, silkscreen, sistine, sixteen, sleeveen, slovene, smaltine, smoke-screen, smokescreen, smoke screen, snail bean, snap bean, soutine, soybean, spaldeen, spalpeen, split-screen, spring-clean, springsteen, stanchion, stanine, steam clean, stephine, stringbean, string bean, styrene, st jean, subteen, subvene, sulphion, sunscreen, survene, susswein, sweetgreen, sword bean, syene, taksin, tamine, tareen, tarquin, tartine, technion, tercine, terreen, textrine, thallene, thirteen, thomean, thretteen, thymene, tigrean, torstein, touch-screen, touchscreen, transgene, trephine, trichion, turdine, tzaneen, ugreen, uline, umpteen, umteen, unclean, undine, ungreen, unqueen, unseen, unseen', uplean, usine, vaccin, vaccine, vaguine, valene, vanveen, varin, vendean, venene, vidrine, viewscreen, visqueen, voisine, walgreen, wax bean, weinstein, well-seen, wetstein, white bean, wide-screen, widescreen, wide screen, wikindx, wild bean, wileen, willene, windscreen, winged bean, wolf bean, xylene, yam bean, yestreen, z-machine, zebrine, zumstein
-amine, 1-butene, 6teen, a-teen, abrin, adren-, adriene, agene, agin, aileen, alcmene, aldin, aleen, alene, aliene, alkene, alkmene, alleen, allein, alleine, allene, alzene, amebean, ameen, amin, amine, ammeen, ammine, andreen, ardeen, ardene, arene, arguin, arleen, arlene, atene, athene, atween, avine, azine, babouin, baksteen, baleen, baleine, bardeen, beeline, beet green, benzene, berean, bergstein, bescreen, beseen, beth-shean, between, black bean, blazin, blue-green, blue-jean, blue jean, bogbean, boreen, bornstein, brackeen, bradeen, braunstein, brillstein, broadbean, broad bean, bromine, bronstein, brorphine, brownstein, buccin, buckbean, buckstein, burdine, burkeen, burnstein, butene, cadene, cafeine, caffein, caffeine, caffiene, cairene, calgene, camin, camphene, camphine, campin, cancrine, canteen, cantin, careen, carene, carleen, carlene, carvene, casein, caseine, cashion, casteen, catene, cathine, cathleen, celgene, celine, cetene, chagreen, charleen, charlene, charline, chasteen, chemmeen, chimene, chow mein, christeen, christine, chromene, chrome green, citrine, claudine, clymene, coffeen, coffeine, coleen, colene, colleen, coneine, convene, conyrine, coquin, coreen, corine, corinne, cortine, corvine, cotquean, cress green, crimean, crimplene, cristine, crumrine, cuckquean, cuisine, cumene, cunneen, cutscene, cymene, cyrene, cysteine, d'alene, dafne keen, dalene, damin, dark-green, darleen, darlene, dasheen, dauphine, decene, dejean, demean, deneen, dequeen, derouin, dextrine, digene, diketene, dineen, dinneen, disthene, doreen, doucine, draisine, drisheen, dry-clean, dryclean, dry clean, dufrene, eckstein, eighteen, eileen, ellene, epstein, ethene, ethine, eugene, fanzine, farheen, farine, feinstein, feldene, field bean, fierstein, fifteen, filene, flatscreen, flourine, fluorine, foltene, foreseen, forpine, fourteen, francene, francine, french bean, fresh bean, friese-greene, fromstein, fullscreen, fuscine, g-protein, galien, gallien, gamin, gangreen, gardein, geneen, georgene, georgine, ghosteen, gladstein, glasheen, glaucine, glavine, glickstein, glycine, godine, goethean, goheen, gold-green, goldstein, gombeen, goodstein, grabstein, grandjean, graphene, grass-green, grassgreen, greenscreen, greenstein, green bean, grey-green, grinstein, grosjean, grubstein, guanin, guanine, guertin, gustine, gyrene, haleine, haptene, hardouin, hartstein, helene, hellene, helxine, heptene, higiene, hircine, holstein, hoogeveen, hornstein, horsebean, horse bean, hosein, houseclean, humean, hunchine, hygene, hygiene, hygrine, hyoscine, igene, ileen, indene, ireene, irene, ismene, jackeen, jack bean, jade-green, jade green, james deen, janeen, janene, janine, jeanine, joaquin, joleen, jolene, josphine, josquin, justine, kabine, kalkstein, kamseen, kareen, karine, karlene, kathleen, kathlene, kathrine, katrine, katyn, ketene, ketine, khamseen, killeen, kristeen, kristine, kuchean, l-cysteine, lachine, lacin, lactean, lamine, lateen, latrine, laureen, laurene, leaf-green, ledeen, leek-green, leucine, levine, light-green, lime-green, limine, lipstein, lockean, lophine, loreen, lorene, lucene, lurleen, lutrine, lycine, machine, macqueen, make clean, malene, maltine, malvine, marcin, marean, marine, marleen, marleene, marlene, martine, maureen, maxin, maxine, may queen, mcbean, mcbreen, mcclean, mckean, mckeen, mclean, mcmeen, mcqueen, mcsween, medin, mesquin, millstein, milstein, misween, mmr vaccine, modine, moline, moneen, moquin, moreen, moss green, moth bean, mulqueen, mungbean, muntean, murine, myrcene, myrlene, myrrhine, myrsine, myteen, na-dene, nadeen, nadine, nalgene, namkeen, naphthene, nathene, navin, nazneen, neil breen, neurine, nierstein, nighean, nigrine, nineteen, nithiin, nordeen, noreen, nothstein, nunchion, nuveen, o'steen, obscene, octene, off-screen, offscreen, olean, oline, on-screen, on-the-scene, onscreen, oquin, oquinn, orlene, orpine, ossein, osteen, ouarine, p-cymene, p-xylene, pangene, pantene, papin, parkesine, parveen, pasion, pasquin, pauline, pea-green, pearlstein, pea bean, pea green, pebrine, pentene, petrine, pfundstein, philene, phocine, phosphene, phosphine, picene, pilgreen, pinene, pingouin, poitrine, pontine, popscene, poteen, potteen, poutine, pre-teen, prejean, prescreen, preteen, prolene, protein, prunskiene, pteridine, purine, pusheen, quartene, quartine, quercine, rabin, rabine, racine, raelene, rainscreen, rammstein, ramstein, rateen, ratteen, ravine, retene, rood-screen, rood screen, rouquin, routine, rutstein, sabine, sage-green, sage green, saint-jean, sajene, saleen, salin, saline, salt-green, saltine, salween, sarcin, sardine, sarene, sat.1, sateen, savine, scaphion, scorpene, screw bean, sea-green, sean bean, sea green, seguin, seldseen, selene, sengreen, serene, seth green, shagreen, shaheen, sharleen, sharlene, shasteen, shell bean, shereen, shirleen, shoneen, sightscreen, sightseen, silene, silk-screen, silkscreen, sistine, sixteen, sleeveen, slovene, smaltine, smoke-screen, smokescreen, smoke screen, snail bean, snap bean, soutine, soybean, spaldeen, spalpeen, split-screen, spring-clean, springsteen, stanchion, stanine, steam clean, stephine, stringbean, string bean, styrene, st jean, subteen, subvene, sulphion, sunscreen, survene, susswein, sweetgreen, sword bean, syene, taksin, tamine, tareen, tarquin, tartine, technion, tercine, terreen, textrine, thallene, thirteen, thomean, thretteen, thymene, tigrean, torstein, touch-screen, touchscreen, transgene, trephine, trichion, turdine, tzaneen, ugreen, uline, umpteen, umteen, unclean, undine, ungreen, unqueen, unseen, unseen', uplean, usine, vaccin, vaccine, vaguine, valene, vanveen, varin, vendean, venene, vidrine, viewscreen, visqueen, voisine, walgreen, wax bean, weinstein, well-seen, wetstein, white bean, wide-screen, widescreen, wide screen, wikindx, wild bean, wileen, willene, windscreen, winged bean, wolf bean, xylene, yam bean, yestreen, z-machine, zebrine, zumstein
3 syllables:
19-nineteen, 2-butene, aberdeen, abilene, acacine, acauline, acrolein, acrosin, adenine, aircalin, ajmaline, aladeen, alamin, alateen, albertine, alekhine, algemeen, algemene, alipin, alkadiene, allylene, alpigene, amacrine, amarine, amber-green, ambrosin, ametrine, amidine, amphigene, amstelveen, amylene, andarine, androstene, anilin, aniline, annotine, annulene, antaheen, ante-nicene, anthracene, antifebrine, antigene, antiseen, apennine, apfelsine, aporphine, apple-green, aquilin, aquiline, argentin, argentine, armozeen, arnicine, aronstein, arrasene, arreguin, asphaltene, atlantean, atrazine, augustin, augustine, autodin, avenin, ayegreen, azotine, azurine, balanchine, baldaquin, ballotine, balsamine, bandoline, baragouin, barbotine, barentine, bartlestein, basaltine, beaverteen, behenein, belizean, bengaline, bengal bean, benyamin, benzamine, benzidrine, benzoline, benzpyrene, berain, berbamine, bernadine, bilastine, binyamin, biocine, bioclean, bismuthine, bivoltine, bluescreen, bluish-green, bluish green, bodenstein, boeschenstein, bombazine, bombycine, borazine, borenstein, borophene, bottle-green, bottle green, boumediene, bowling-green, bowling green, brandenstein, brett goldstein, briksdalsbreen, bubaline, bucladesine, buformin, butadiene, butterbean, butter bean, butylene, byzantine, by machine, caballine, cadinene, caesarean, calycine, calymene, canadine, candareen, cannabene, capsicine, carabine, caragheen, carmustine, carnosine, carob bean, carotene, carradine, carrageen, carragheen, cash machine, castor bean, catarrhine, ceelo green, celimene, cerberean, cerotene, characene, chevaline, chimerine, chinoline, chioppine, chloroprene, christmas green, christophene, cinnamene, cinnoline, circumvene, civet bean, clementine, clomifene, clomiphene, clonidine, closet queen, cluster bean, co-routine, cobaltine, cocoa bean, coffee bean, coin machine, colbertine, colophene, colubrine, commagene, common bean, compazine, conchinine, conimene, constantine, contravene, conylene, cooperstein, copaline, copper-green, coral bean, coroutine, corticine, coryphene, cosmoline, cotinine, coumarine, counterion, creolean, crinoline, crotaphion, cryptidine, culicine, cumidine, cumulene, curarine, cyclodiene, cymarine, cymidine, cymogene, cynarine, cytisine, cytovene, damascene, damaskeen, damoclean, dantrolene, delphinine, demoscene, depakene, derek drouin, dewoitine, diamine, diazine, dicysteine, dindymene, diolamine, dipentene, diplotene, dispoline, ditrochean, dobberstein, dopamine, doralin, dramamine, draymond green, dreamachine, duberstein, dump routine, duodene, earnestine, eburnine, ecophene, ectocrine, ecumene, edelstein, egbertine, elaphine, elatine, elbertine, eleusine, emachine, emerald-green, emerine, empyrean, engadine, english bean, eocene, eogene, epicene, epigene, ergoline, ergotine, ernestine, ertholmene, erythrean, esmerine, esquiline, esurine, etamine, ethamine, etheljean, ethidene, ethylene, etorphine, euflavine, europeenne, evaleen, eveleen, evergreen, falloween, farm machine, farnesene, fava bean, fellaheen, ferrocene, fescennine, festennine, festucine, fettucine, feuerstein, field soybean, figurine, filipin, fillipeen, finkelstein, finklestein, fiorin, fire screen, fleckenstein, florentin, florentine, formazine, frankenstein, fullerene, fulvicin, fumarine, furfurine, gabardine, gadarene, gallamine, garancin, gasogene, gasolene, gasoline, gaudygreen, gavin green, gazogene, gelatine, gentianine, gephyrean, geraldine, geranine, germacrene, germolene, ghibelline, glutazine, go-between, goa bean, goberstein, goldenstein, golden mean, golden spleen, grabenstein, gravensteen, green soybean, grenadine, grudenstein, guanfacine, guanidine, guanosine, guaranine, guillotine, gutturine, gwendoline, hagarene, halloveen, hallowe'en, halloween, haloween, hammerstein, hangar queen, harmaline, harperteen, hartenstein, heerenveen, helicine, helloween, heptylene, heseltine, hexazine, hexylene, high-protein, histamine, histidin, histidine, holloween, holocene, holocrine, homogene, honorine, hooker's green, hordenine, hornotine, huguenin, huimin, hyacine, hyaline, hydrazine, hypersthene, hypogene, icariin, ice machine, icterine, iedereen, imogene, in-between, inbetween, indamine, indanthrene, indigene, inosine, inquiline, intervene, intracrine, iodin, isoline, isoprene, jack-in-the-green, jalen green, janasheen, jasmuheen, jayewardene, jean racine, jelly bean, josephine, jumping bean, kalsomine, kathalene, keelivine, kendal green, kerosene, ketamine, kidney bean, kinesin, konstantin, kriegsmarine, l-glutamine, lactarene, lacustrine, lamartine, landgravine, laudanine, laurustine, lemurine, lepidine, leptotene, leukotriene, libertin, libertine, lichtenstein, limacine, lima bean, limonene, limousin, limousine, listerine, locust bean, lopatin, lowenstein, luthfudeen, lutidine, lycopene, madalene, madelene, madrilene, magazin, magazine, magdalene, majeerteen, mandarine, mangosteen, marasquin, margerine, margravine, maroquin, marroquin, mascarene, matutine, mavourneen, maybellene, maybelline, mazarine, mazikeen, mcelveen, mcilveen, megasthene, meiocene, melamine, meleagrine, melitene, melongene, melpomene, merbromine, mescaline, messaline, metagene, metformin, methazine, methoprene, methylene, mezzanine, michael biehn, michael sheen, microgreen, microsthene, microtine, mimetene, miocene, misdemean, mise-en-scene, mitylene, monagene, monamine, mondegreen, monoline, mr. bean, mr. queen, mr inbetween, multiscreen, muscadin, muscatine, mutaween, mycenaen, mydaleine, myprotein, myrmicine, mysoline, mytilene, nalbuphine, nalmefene, nalorphine, naphthacene, naphthalene, naphthaline, napthalene, navy bean, nazarene, nectarine, nektarine, nemaline, neocene, neogene, neoprene, neuridine, nicotene, nicotin, nicotine, nigel green, nigrosin, nitrazine, nonprotein, nonylene, norbertine, norma-jean, nutriclean, nyctimene, ocain, octalene, octylene, olamine, olive-green, olive green, olivin, olivine, omphacine, oncogene, opalin, opaline, orange-green, ordeal bean, organzine, ornithine, orphaline, osmogene, ostholstein, overseen, overween, oxaline, oxazine, oxiclean, oyster-green, pachytene, palankeen, palanquin, palsgravine, palustrine, pantethine, papyrean, paris green, parvoline, parylene, pathogene, peachy-keen, pelegrine, peloquin, pemoline, perazine, percaline, peregrin, peregrine, periclean, perylene, petroline, phenanthrene, phenazine, phenylene, philhellene, philippine, philistine, phillipine, phillippine, philomene, photogene, phrenosin, picotine, pinto bean, piperazine, pirouline, plasmagene, plasticene, plasticine, pleiocene, pleistocene, pliocene, poliquin, polverine, polyene, polygene, polytene, pomarine, preprotein, prolamine, promazine, promethean, properdin, proprotein, propylene, protamine, pseudogene, pulicene, pulicine, pulverine, purple-green, putrescene, putting green, pyrazine, pyroxene, pyrrhotine, quadragene, quaranteen, quarantine, quinicine, quinidine, quinizine, rachel green, rauwolscine, reconvene, reichsmarine, retinene, retistene, rhigolene, rhodamine, rhombogene, rhythmeen, ricain, rna vaccine, rosaleen, rosenstein, rosmarine, rubinstein, runner bean, rutylene, safferstein, saffranine, safranine, salad green, salk vaccine, sanidine, sarazin, sassoline, saussurean, savarin, scaloppine, schizophrene, schottenstein, sciurine, scopolamine, scopoline, sepaline, sequoiene, seraphin, serophene, serotine, servaline, seventeen, shades of green, shalateen, silberstein, silicene, silverstein, silver screen, silylene, simazine, sinamine, skibbereen, slot machine, smithereen, socotrine, sodagreen, soja bean, solanine, solutrean, sopsavine, soricine, soya bean, spermidine, spodumene, squalamine, squeaky-clean, staurosporine, stearoptene, stelazine, strand-on-the-green, stubroutine, stufflebean, styrolene, submachine, submarine, subroutine, subsaline, subterrene, sulfalene, supergene, supervene, synephrine, taborine, tamborine, tambourin, tambourine, tanagrine, tangerine, tape machine, tartarine, tartrazine, ted levine, telescreen, temugin, tendergreen, tercellene, terpilene, terpinene, terrapene, terreplein, terylene, tetracene, tetrazene, tetrazine, tetrylene, texstyrene, thermodin, thiazine, thiophene, thiophthene, thomasine, thorazine, thylacine, thymidine, tichorrhine, tigerine, tilidine, timaline, time machine, tolidine, tolmetin, tolylene, tonka bean, torrentine, tourmaline, toxaphene, trampoline, transferrin, transmarine, transpontine, trappistine, trasimene, triazine, tricotine, tripoline, triticin, tritylene, trolamine, tryptamine, turmaline, turtle bean, underween, unforeseen, uridine, vacuum-clean, valentin, valvoline, valylene, vandersteen, vanderveen, vaseline, vasoline, vaticine, veloutine, velveteen, velvet bean, ventotene, veratrine, viagene, village green, virogene, vitarine, vogelstein, volksmarine, voltairean, volucrine, vomerine, vulturine, wallenstein, wallerstein, warmachine, wasserstein, wettergreen, when first seen, windsor green, wintergreen, wintersteen, winterstein, wolverine, wonder bean, xylazine, xylylene, yellow-green, yellow bean, yellow green, zabbaleen, zibelline, zigadene, zygosphene, zygotene, zymogene
19-nineteen, 2-butene, aberdeen, abilene, acacine, acauline, acrolein, acrosin, adenine, aircalin, ajmaline, aladeen, alamin, alateen, albertine, alekhine, algemeen, algemene, alipin, alkadiene, allylene, alpigene, amacrine, amarine, amber-green, ambrosin, ametrine, amidine, amphigene, amstelveen, amylene, andarine, androstene, anilin, aniline, annotine, annulene, antaheen, ante-nicene, anthracene, antifebrine, antigene, antiseen, apennine, apfelsine, aporphine, apple-green, aquilin, aquiline, argentin, argentine, armozeen, arnicine, aronstein, arrasene, arreguin, asphaltene, atlantean, atrazine, augustin, augustine, autodin, avenin, ayegreen, azotine, azurine, balanchine, baldaquin, ballotine, balsamine, bandoline, baragouin, barbotine, barentine, bartlestein, basaltine, beaverteen, behenein, belizean, bengaline, bengal bean, benyamin, benzamine, benzidrine, benzoline, benzpyrene, berain, berbamine, bernadine, bilastine, binyamin, biocine, bioclean, bismuthine, bivoltine, bluescreen, bluish-green, bluish green, bodenstein, boeschenstein, bombazine, bombycine, borazine, borenstein, borophene, bottle-green, bottle green, boumediene, bowling-green, bowling green, brandenstein, brett goldstein, briksdalsbreen, bubaline, bucladesine, buformin, butadiene, butterbean, butter bean, butylene, byzantine, by machine, caballine, cadinene, caesarean, calycine, calymene, canadine, candareen, cannabene, capsicine, carabine, caragheen, carmustine, carnosine, carob bean, carotene, carradine, carrageen, carragheen, cash machine, castor bean, catarrhine, ceelo green, celimene, cerberean, cerotene, characene, chevaline, chimerine, chinoline, chioppine, chloroprene, christmas green, christophene, cinnamene, cinnoline, circumvene, civet bean, clementine, clomifene, clomiphene, clonidine, closet queen, cluster bean, co-routine, cobaltine, cocoa bean, coffee bean, coin machine, colbertine, colophene, colubrine, commagene, common bean, compazine, conchinine, conimene, constantine, contravene, conylene, cooperstein, copaline, copper-green, coral bean, coroutine, corticine, coryphene, cosmoline, cotinine, coumarine, counterion, creolean, crinoline, crotaphion, cryptidine, culicine, cumidine, cumulene, curarine, cyclodiene, cymarine, cymidine, cymogene, cynarine, cytisine, cytovene, damascene, damaskeen, damoclean, dantrolene, delphinine, demoscene, depakene, derek drouin, dewoitine, diamine, diazine, dicysteine, dindymene, diolamine, dipentene, diplotene, dispoline, ditrochean, dobberstein, dopamine, doralin, dramamine, draymond green, dreamachine, duberstein, dump routine, duodene, earnestine, eburnine, ecophene, ectocrine, ecumene, edelstein, egbertine, elaphine, elatine, elbertine, eleusine, emachine, emerald-green, emerine, empyrean, engadine, english bean, eocene, eogene, epicene, epigene, ergoline, ergotine, ernestine, ertholmene, erythrean, esmerine, esquiline, esurine, etamine, ethamine, etheljean, ethidene, ethylene, etorphine, euflavine, europeenne, evaleen, eveleen, evergreen, falloween, farm machine, farnesene, fava bean, fellaheen, ferrocene, fescennine, festennine, festucine, fettucine, feuerstein, field soybean, figurine, filipin, fillipeen, finkelstein, finklestein, fiorin, fire screen, fleckenstein, florentin, florentine, formazine, frankenstein, fullerene, fulvicin, fumarine, furfurine, gabardine, gadarene, gallamine, garancin, gasogene, gasolene, gasoline, gaudygreen, gavin green, gazogene, gelatine, gentianine, gephyrean, geraldine, geranine, germacrene, germolene, ghibelline, glutazine, go-between, goa bean, goberstein, goldenstein, golden mean, golden spleen, grabenstein, gravensteen, green soybean, grenadine, grudenstein, guanfacine, guanidine, guanosine, guaranine, guillotine, gutturine, gwendoline, hagarene, halloveen, hallowe'en, halloween, haloween, hammerstein, hangar queen, harmaline, harperteen, hartenstein, heerenveen, helicine, helloween, heptylene, heseltine, hexazine, hexylene, high-protein, histamine, histidin, histidine, holloween, holocene, holocrine, homogene, honorine, hooker's green, hordenine, hornotine, huguenin, huimin, hyacine, hyaline, hydrazine, hypersthene, hypogene, icariin, ice machine, icterine, iedereen, imogene, in-between, inbetween, indamine, indanthrene, indigene, inosine, inquiline, intervene, intracrine, iodin, isoline, isoprene, jack-in-the-green, jalen green, janasheen, jasmuheen, jayewardene, jean racine, jelly bean, josephine, jumping bean, kalsomine, kathalene, keelivine, kendal green, kerosene, ketamine, kidney bean, kinesin, konstantin, kriegsmarine, l-glutamine, lactarene, lacustrine, lamartine, landgravine, laudanine, laurustine, lemurine, lepidine, leptotene, leukotriene, libertin, libertine, lichtenstein, limacine, lima bean, limonene, limousin, limousine, listerine, locust bean, lopatin, lowenstein, luthfudeen, lutidine, lycopene, madalene, madelene, madrilene, magazin, magazine, magdalene, majeerteen, mandarine, mangosteen, marasquin, margerine, margravine, maroquin, marroquin, mascarene, matutine, mavourneen, maybellene, maybelline, mazarine, mazikeen, mcelveen, mcilveen, megasthene, meiocene, melamine, meleagrine, melitene, melongene, melpomene, merbromine, mescaline, messaline, metagene, metformin, methazine, methoprene, methylene, mezzanine, michael biehn, michael sheen, microgreen, microsthene, microtine, mimetene, miocene, misdemean, mise-en-scene, mitylene, monagene, monamine, mondegreen, monoline, mr. bean, mr. queen, mr inbetween, multiscreen, muscadin, muscatine, mutaween, mycenaen, mydaleine, myprotein, myrmicine, mysoline, mytilene, nalbuphine, nalmefene, nalorphine, naphthacene, naphthalene, naphthaline, napthalene, navy bean, nazarene, nectarine, nektarine, nemaline, neocene, neogene, neoprene, neuridine, nicotene, nicotin, nicotine, nigel green, nigrosin, nitrazine, nonprotein, nonylene, norbertine, norma-jean, nutriclean, nyctimene, ocain, octalene, octylene, olamine, olive-green, olive green, olivin, olivine, omphacine, oncogene, opalin, opaline, orange-green, ordeal bean, organzine, ornithine, orphaline, osmogene, ostholstein, overseen, overween, oxaline, oxazine, oxiclean, oyster-green, pachytene, palankeen, palanquin, palsgravine, palustrine, pantethine, papyrean, paris green, parvoline, parylene, pathogene, peachy-keen, pelegrine, peloquin, pemoline, perazine, percaline, peregrin, peregrine, periclean, perylene, petroline, phenanthrene, phenazine, phenylene, philhellene, philippine, philistine, phillipine, phillippine, philomene, photogene, phrenosin, picotine, pinto bean, piperazine, pirouline, plasmagene, plasticene, plasticine, pleiocene, pleistocene, pliocene, poliquin, polverine, polyene, polygene, polytene, pomarine, preprotein, prolamine, promazine, promethean, properdin, proprotein, propylene, protamine, pseudogene, pulicene, pulicine, pulverine, purple-green, putrescene, putting green, pyrazine, pyroxene, pyrrhotine, quadragene, quaranteen, quarantine, quinicine, quinidine, quinizine, rachel green, rauwolscine, reconvene, reichsmarine, retinene, retistene, rhigolene, rhodamine, rhombogene, rhythmeen, ricain, rna vaccine, rosaleen, rosenstein, rosmarine, rubinstein, runner bean, rutylene, safferstein, saffranine, safranine, salad green, salk vaccine, sanidine, sarazin, sassoline, saussurean, savarin, scaloppine, schizophrene, schottenstein, sciurine, scopolamine, scopoline, sepaline, sequoiene, seraphin, serophene, serotine, servaline, seventeen, shades of green, shalateen, silberstein, silicene, silverstein, silver screen, silylene, simazine, sinamine, skibbereen, slot machine, smithereen, socotrine, sodagreen, soja bean, solanine, solutrean, sopsavine, soricine, soya bean, spermidine, spodumene, squalamine, squeaky-clean, staurosporine, stearoptene, stelazine, strand-on-the-green, stubroutine, stufflebean, styrolene, submachine, submarine, subroutine, subsaline, subterrene, sulfalene, supergene, supervene, synephrine, taborine, tamborine, tambourin, tambourine, tanagrine, tangerine, tape machine, tartarine, tartrazine, ted levine, telescreen, temugin, tendergreen, tercellene, terpilene, terpinene, terrapene, terreplein, terylene, tetracene, tetrazene, tetrazine, tetrylene, texstyrene, thermodin, thiazine, thiophene, thiophthene, thomasine, thorazine, thylacine, thymidine, tichorrhine, tigerine, tilidine, timaline, time machine, tolidine, tolmetin, tolylene, tonka bean, torrentine, tourmaline, toxaphene, trampoline, transferrin, transmarine, transpontine, trappistine, trasimene, triazine, tricotine, tripoline, triticin, tritylene, trolamine, tryptamine, turmaline, turtle bean, underween, unforeseen, uridine, vacuum-clean, valentin, valvoline, valylene, vandersteen, vanderveen, vaseline, vasoline, vaticine, veloutine, velveteen, velvet bean, ventotene, veratrine, viagene, village green, virogene, vitarine, vogelstein, volksmarine, voltairean, volucrine, vomerine, vulturine, wallenstein, wallerstein, warmachine, wasserstein, wettergreen, when first seen, windsor green, wintergreen, wintersteen, winterstein, wolverine, wonder bean, xylazine, xylylene, yellow-green, yellow bean, yellow green, zabbaleen, zibelline, zigadene, zygosphene, zygotene, zymogene
4 syllables:
6ix9ine, abietene, acalycine, accipitrine, acenaphthene, acetorphine, acetylene, acriflavine, adapalene, adding machine, adenosine, aerographene, africain, aigue-marine, alanosine, alkylamine, alkylbenzene, allylamine, allylglycine, alpha-pinene, altretamine, amaranthine, amphetamine, anadyomene, anatabine, antenicene, anthropocene, anti-vaccine, apocodeine, apoprotein, aposelene, apresoline, aquamarine, argentamine, arketamine, arnold machin, arsphenamine, asparagine, atropatene, azaguanine, azaserine, aziridine, azobenzene, baltimorean, bananadine, bathing-machine, bathing machine, beanie feldstein, bedaquiline, bendamustine, benfotiamine, benzanthracene, benzopyrene, benzphetamine, benzydamine, benzylamine, beta-pinene, betahistine, bethanidine, bexarotene, biphetamine, bonapartean, brimonidine, bromobenzene, bucinnazine, buprenorphine, butoxamine, butylamine, cabergoline, cahersiveen, cajuputene, calcipotriene, carbamidine, carbylamine, cariprazine, catecholamine, chlorobenzene, chloroethene, chlorphenamine, chlorpromazine, cholesterine, chromoprotein, chrysaniline, cimetidine, cinchonidine, cinnabarine, clavioline, cobalamine, cocaethylene, comethazine, compound protein, computer screen, covid 19, crotonylene, cyanazine, cyclazocine, cyclopamine, cyclopropene, cycloserine, cyclosporine, cysteamine, dacarbazine, debrisoquin, decapition, decitabine, deferoxamine, delawarean, deniliquin, deserpidine, diablotin, diamylene, didanosine, diffusing screen, diminazene, diophantine, dobutamine, doxylamine, drotaverine, dual-touchscreen, edible bean, eflornithine, egyptian bean, eikosylene, elaeoptene, elaoptene, eleoptene, elephantine, eleventeen, enclomifene, enkephaline, epinephrine, ergocornine, ergotamine, esketamine, esthiomene, estramustine, ethionine, ethylamine, ethylbenzene, etilefrine, euryhaline, fetoprotein, flavaniline, flavoprotein, florida bean, floxuridine, fludarabine, fluorescamine, fluphenazine, fluspirilene, fluvoxamine, foetoprotein, franking machine, fructosamine, galantamine, gemcitabine, gentamicin, genus glycine, genus selene, giant stock bean, glucoprotein, glucosamine, glycoprotein, glyoxaline, haemoprotein, hamletmachine, harmonic mean, hemiprotein, hemoprotein, heterogene, hexetidine, hexosamine, higenamine, homocysteine, hyacinthine, hyacinth bean, hydralazine, hyoscyamine, hypoxanthine, igasurine, incarnadine, indian bean, indigotine, input routine, internecine, iridoline, isobutene, isochimene, isohaline, isotamine, jayawardene, jeffrey epstein, jennifer lien, john carradine, jostedalsbreen, kevin van veen, knitting machine, labyrinthine, lactoprotein, leucaniline, longifolene, lucinda green, m.u.g.e.n, mandelamine, manila bean, marty grabstein, mauvaniline, mebeverine, mechlorethamine, meconidine, melaniline, mental hygiene, merchant marine, mesalamine, mesitylene, metacrolein, metallocene, metanephrine, metaprotein, metaxylene, metergoline, methenamine, methylamine, methylbenzene, methylxanthine, michael mckean, micromachine, milking machine, milling machine, miltefosine, mincing machine, mobile canteen, monoamine, mucoprotein, mujahadeen, mujahedeen, mujahedin, mujahideen, multimachine, multivoltine, musculamine, museumplein, mycoprotein, nanomachine, naphthylamine, nematogene, newsmagazine, nicergoline, nigericin, nigraniline, nitraniline, nitrosamine, nitrosomine, nizatidine, norleucine, nornicotine, novocain, nymphetamine, ocean's thirteen, octocrylene, octonaphthene, octopamine, oleoptene, oleylamine, oligocene, oligogene, oncoprotein, opianine, orthoxylene, output routine, oxamidine, oxybenzene, oxycymene, p-glycoprotein, palaeocene, palaeogene, paleocene, paleogene, paracasein, paranthracene, paraprotein, paraselene, paraxanthine, paraxylene, paroxetine, paving machine, pentamidine, pentazocine, perhexiline, periselene, perphenazine, phalangistine, phenazocine, phenetidine, phenmetrazine, phentolamine, phenylamine, phenylephrine, phosphoprotein, phosphoserine, pinball machine, piperylene, poloxalene, polyethene, polylysine, polyprotein, polystyrene, postpliocene, potato bean, prenylamine, printing machine, procarbazine, prochlorperazine, projection screen, promethazine, propoxyphene, pseudo-cumene, pseudocumene, pulp magazine, pyrilamine, pyrimidine, quadrivoltine, quinoidine, quinoxaline, ractopamine, rangiferine, ranolazine, rhadamanthine, rhaponticine, rimantadine, robenidine, romain grosjean, rosaniline, sabin vaccine, saint augustine, sapphirine, sawing machine, schleswig-holstein, scleroprotein, scolopacine, selegiline, service routine, sewing machine, shadowmachine, silvery-green, silver protein, simple machine, simple protein, sinapoline, sisomicin, slick magazine, solanicine, solanidine, spinning machine, stenohaline, studio deen, subapennine, sulbutiamine, supermarine, tazarotene, telex machine, terebinthine, terfenadine, textile machine, theobromine, the argentine, thiethylperazine, things heard & seen, thioguanine, thionaphthene, thiotolene, thyroprotein, tiletamine, tizanidine, toluylene, toremifene, tracing routine, trichothecene, trifluridine, trimethylene, tromethamine, tyrocidine, univoltine, valbenazine, valeridine, valeritrine, valerylene, vanilla bean, vending machine, viloxazine, vinpocetine, vinylbenzene, vitellogene, voting machine, washing machine, wayback machine, weighing machine, x-ray machine, xanthoprotein, xanthoxylene, xerox machine, yellowish green, yngwie malmsteen, zalcitabine
6ix9ine, abietene, acalycine, accipitrine, acenaphthene, acetorphine, acetylene, acriflavine, adapalene, adding machine, adenosine, aerographene, africain, aigue-marine, alanosine, alkylamine, alkylbenzene, allylamine, allylglycine, alpha-pinene, altretamine, amaranthine, amphetamine, anadyomene, anatabine, antenicene, anthropocene, anti-vaccine, apocodeine, apoprotein, aposelene, apresoline, aquamarine, argentamine, arketamine, arnold machin, arsphenamine, asparagine, atropatene, azaguanine, azaserine, aziridine, azobenzene, baltimorean, bananadine, bathing-machine, bathing machine, beanie feldstein, bedaquiline, bendamustine, benfotiamine, benzanthracene, benzopyrene, benzphetamine, benzydamine, benzylamine, beta-pinene, betahistine, bethanidine, bexarotene, biphetamine, bonapartean, brimonidine, bromobenzene, bucinnazine, buprenorphine, butoxamine, butylamine, cabergoline, cahersiveen, cajuputene, calcipotriene, carbamidine, carbylamine, cariprazine, catecholamine, chlorobenzene, chloroethene, chlorphenamine, chlorpromazine, cholesterine, chromoprotein, chrysaniline, cimetidine, cinchonidine, cinnabarine, clavioline, cobalamine, cocaethylene, comethazine, compound protein, computer screen, covid 19, crotonylene, cyanazine, cyclazocine, cyclopamine, cyclopropene, cycloserine, cyclosporine, cysteamine, dacarbazine, debrisoquin, decapition, decitabine, deferoxamine, delawarean, deniliquin, deserpidine, diablotin, diamylene, didanosine, diffusing screen, diminazene, diophantine, dobutamine, doxylamine, drotaverine, dual-touchscreen, edible bean, eflornithine, egyptian bean, eikosylene, elaeoptene, elaoptene, eleoptene, elephantine, eleventeen, enclomifene, enkephaline, epinephrine, ergocornine, ergotamine, esketamine, esthiomene, estramustine, ethionine, ethylamine, ethylbenzene, etilefrine, euryhaline, fetoprotein, flavaniline, flavoprotein, florida bean, floxuridine, fludarabine, fluorescamine, fluphenazine, fluspirilene, fluvoxamine, foetoprotein, franking machine, fructosamine, galantamine, gemcitabine, gentamicin, genus glycine, genus selene, giant stock bean, glucoprotein, glucosamine, glycoprotein, glyoxaline, haemoprotein, hamletmachine, harmonic mean, hemiprotein, hemoprotein, heterogene, hexetidine, hexosamine, higenamine, homocysteine, hyacinthine, hyacinth bean, hydralazine, hyoscyamine, hypoxanthine, igasurine, incarnadine, indian bean, indigotine, input routine, internecine, iridoline, isobutene, isochimene, isohaline, isotamine, jayawardene, jeffrey epstein, jennifer lien, john carradine, jostedalsbreen, kevin van veen, knitting machine, labyrinthine, lactoprotein, leucaniline, longifolene, lucinda green, m.u.g.e.n, mandelamine, manila bean, marty grabstein, mauvaniline, mebeverine, mechlorethamine, meconidine, melaniline, mental hygiene, merchant marine, mesalamine, mesitylene, metacrolein, metallocene, metanephrine, metaprotein, metaxylene, metergoline, methenamine, methylamine, methylbenzene, methylxanthine, michael mckean, micromachine, milking machine, milling machine, miltefosine, mincing machine, mobile canteen, monoamine, mucoprotein, mujahadeen, mujahedeen, mujahedin, mujahideen, multimachine, multivoltine, musculamine, museumplein, mycoprotein, nanomachine, naphthylamine, nematogene, newsmagazine, nicergoline, nigericin, nigraniline, nitraniline, nitrosamine, nitrosomine, nizatidine, norleucine, nornicotine, novocain, nymphetamine, ocean's thirteen, octocrylene, octonaphthene, octopamine, oleoptene, oleylamine, oligocene, oligogene, oncoprotein, opianine, orthoxylene, output routine, oxamidine, oxybenzene, oxycymene, p-glycoprotein, palaeocene, palaeogene, paleocene, paleogene, paracasein, paranthracene, paraprotein, paraselene, paraxanthine, paraxylene, paroxetine, paving machine, pentamidine, pentazocine, perhexiline, periselene, perphenazine, phalangistine, phenazocine, phenetidine, phenmetrazine, phentolamine, phenylamine, phenylephrine, phosphoprotein, phosphoserine, pinball machine, piperylene, poloxalene, polyethene, polylysine, polyprotein, polystyrene, postpliocene, potato bean, prenylamine, printing machine, procarbazine, prochlorperazine, projection screen, promethazine, propoxyphene, pseudo-cumene, pseudocumene, pulp magazine, pyrilamine, pyrimidine, quadrivoltine, quinoidine, quinoxaline, ractopamine, rangiferine, ranolazine, rhadamanthine, rhaponticine, rimantadine, robenidine, romain grosjean, rosaniline, sabin vaccine, saint augustine, sapphirine, sawing machine, schleswig-holstein, scleroprotein, scolopacine, selegiline, service routine, sewing machine, shadowmachine, silvery-green, silver protein, simple machine, simple protein, sinapoline, sisomicin, slick magazine, solanicine, solanidine, spinning machine, stenohaline, studio deen, subapennine, sulbutiamine, supermarine, tazarotene, telex machine, terebinthine, terfenadine, textile machine, theobromine, the argentine, thiethylperazine, things heard & seen, thioguanine, thionaphthene, thiotolene, thyroprotein, tiletamine, tizanidine, toluylene, toremifene, tracing routine, trichothecene, trifluridine, trimethylene, tromethamine, tyrocidine, univoltine, valbenazine, valeridine, valeritrine, valerylene, vanilla bean, vending machine, viloxazine, vinpocetine, vinylbenzene, vitellogene, voting machine, washing machine, wayback machine, weighing machine, x-ray machine, xanthoprotein, xanthoxylene, xerox machine, yellowish green, yngwie malmsteen, zalcitabine
5 syllables:
8-oxoguanine, acepromazine, acetylcysteine, actinomycine, active matrix screen, addressing machine, agomelatine, allithiamine, aminobenzene, aminobutene, anileridine, anti-oncogene, anti-submarine, antileukotriene, antioncogene, antisubmarine, aristolochine, arithmetic mean, asparagus bean, attack submarine, audiomachine, azacitidine, benzylpiperazine, beta-alanine, beta-carotene, betacarotene, brian austin green, cannabichromene, cardiolipin, caryophyllene, cephaloridine, chinese evergreen, chloroethylene, chryselephantine, cyclohexatriene, cycloleucine, cyclopentadiene, dandelion green, dexamphetamine, dexmedetomidine, dichlorobenzene, dicycloverine, diethanolamine, diethylamine, dihydralazine, dihydrocodeine, dimethylamine, dimethylbenzene, dimethylglycine, dinitrobenzene, diphenylamine, dishwashing machine, divinylbenzene, dodecylbenzene, eluxadoline, emtricitabine, english runner bean, epibatidine, ethanolamine, ethmovomerine, european bean, fexofenadine, finite-state machine, fluvio-marine, fluviomarine, galactosamine, gamma-carotene, geometric mean, glycocyamine, heteroarene, hexachloraphene, hexachlorophene, hexamethylene, hubie halloween, hydroxybenzene, hydroxylamine, idoxuridine, indian cuisine, indoaniline, indoleamine, infernal machine, interlacustrine, iodoprotein, isobutylene, isoleucine, isometheptene, isonicotine, isoprinosine, japanese cuisine, jessica springsteen, l-methamphetamine, lecithoprotein, levomepromazine, library routine, lipofectamine, lithograph machine, logan marshall-green, marjorie taylor greene, mary magdalene, mecamylamine, mephistophelean, mercaptopurine, mesoridazine, metalloprotein, methapyrilene, methoxetamine, methoxpropamine, methoxybenzene, methylcholanthrene, methylnaphthalene, mild silver protein, minisubmarine, molenbeek-saint-jean, n-butylamine, narco-submarine, neo-synephrine, neoarsphenamine, nicotianine, nitroguanidine, norepinephrine, normetanephrine, nucleoprotein, oxidopamine, oxotremorine, oxymethylene, pacific sardine, paranaphthalene, penetanguishene, penicillamine, pentamethylene, perchlorethylene, phendimetrazine, phenethylamine, pheno-safranine, phenothiazine, phenylalanine, phenylethylene, phenylhydrazine, phenylpiperazine, phosphocreatine, plio-pleistocene, polyaniline, polybutadiene, polybutylene, polychloroprene, polyethylene, polyisoprene, polymethylene, polypropylene, polythiophene, powder magazine, proto-oncogene, protooncogene, pyribenzamine, pyridoxamine, pyrimethamine, recording machine, riveting machine, scarlet runner bean, selenocysteine, selenoprotein, semi-evergreen, semievergreen, stapling machine, styrene-butadiene, sulfadiazine, sulfadimidine, sulfaguanidine, sulfamerazine, sulfamethazine, sulfamezathine, sulphadiazine, sulphadimidine, teletype machine, tetrabenazine, tetramethylene, thioridazine, thiosinamine, thiotimoline, trichlorethylene, tridecatylene, triethylamine, trifluoperazine, trimetazidine, trimethylamine, trimethylglycine, trimethylxanthine, trinitrobenzene, tripelennamine, triphenylphosphine, tubocurarine, typesetting machine, violaniline, von neumann machine, wanimagazine
8-oxoguanine, acepromazine, acetylcysteine, actinomycine, active matrix screen, addressing machine, agomelatine, allithiamine, aminobenzene, aminobutene, anileridine, anti-oncogene, anti-submarine, antileukotriene, antioncogene, antisubmarine, aristolochine, arithmetic mean, asparagus bean, attack submarine, audiomachine, azacitidine, benzylpiperazine, beta-alanine, beta-carotene, betacarotene, brian austin green, cannabichromene, cardiolipin, caryophyllene, cephaloridine, chinese evergreen, chloroethylene, chryselephantine, cyclohexatriene, cycloleucine, cyclopentadiene, dandelion green, dexamphetamine, dexmedetomidine, dichlorobenzene, dicycloverine, diethanolamine, diethylamine, dihydralazine, dihydrocodeine, dimethylamine, dimethylbenzene, dimethylglycine, dinitrobenzene, diphenylamine, dishwashing machine, divinylbenzene, dodecylbenzene, eluxadoline, emtricitabine, english runner bean, epibatidine, ethanolamine, ethmovomerine, european bean, fexofenadine, finite-state machine, fluvio-marine, fluviomarine, galactosamine, gamma-carotene, geometric mean, glycocyamine, heteroarene, hexachloraphene, hexachlorophene, hexamethylene, hubie halloween, hydroxybenzene, hydroxylamine, idoxuridine, indian cuisine, indoaniline, indoleamine, infernal machine, interlacustrine, iodoprotein, isobutylene, isoleucine, isometheptene, isonicotine, isoprinosine, japanese cuisine, jessica springsteen, l-methamphetamine, lecithoprotein, levomepromazine, library routine, lipofectamine, lithograph machine, logan marshall-green, marjorie taylor greene, mary magdalene, mecamylamine, mephistophelean, mercaptopurine, mesoridazine, metalloprotein, methapyrilene, methoxetamine, methoxpropamine, methoxybenzene, methylcholanthrene, methylnaphthalene, mild silver protein, minisubmarine, molenbeek-saint-jean, n-butylamine, narco-submarine, neo-synephrine, neoarsphenamine, nicotianine, nitroguanidine, norepinephrine, normetanephrine, nucleoprotein, oxidopamine, oxotremorine, oxymethylene, pacific sardine, paranaphthalene, penetanguishene, penicillamine, pentamethylene, perchlorethylene, phendimetrazine, phenethylamine, pheno-safranine, phenothiazine, phenylalanine, phenylethylene, phenylhydrazine, phenylpiperazine, phosphocreatine, plio-pleistocene, polyaniline, polybutadiene, polybutylene, polychloroprene, polyethylene, polyisoprene, polymethylene, polypropylene, polythiophene, powder magazine, proto-oncogene, protooncogene, pyribenzamine, pyridoxamine, pyrimethamine, recording machine, riveting machine, scarlet runner bean, selenocysteine, selenoprotein, semi-evergreen, semievergreen, stapling machine, styrene-butadiene, sulfadiazine, sulfadimidine, sulfaguanidine, sulfamerazine, sulfamethazine, sulfamezathine, sulphadiazine, sulphadimidine, teletype machine, tetrabenazine, tetramethylene, thioridazine, thiosinamine, thiotimoline, trichlorethylene, tridecatylene, triethylamine, trifluoperazine, trimetazidine, trimethylamine, trimethylglycine, trimethylxanthine, trinitrobenzene, tripelennamine, triphenylphosphine, tubocurarine, typesetting machine, violaniline, von neumann machine, wanimagazine
6 syllables:
acycloguanosine, al-anon/alateen, alpha-fetoprotein, alpha-lipoprotein, alphafetoprotein, apolipoprotein, astute-class submarine, azidothymidine, beta-lipoprotein, calculating machine, coelenterazine, conjugated protein, covid-19 vaccine, cyanoethylene, cyclohexylamine, deoxyguanosine, deoxythymidine, deoxyuridine, dextroamphetamine, dextropropoxyphene, dialysis machine, diathermy machine, dibenzothiazine, dicyclopentadiene, diethylaniline, diethyltryptamine, dihydroergotamine, diketopiperazine, dimethylaniline, dimethylhydrazine, dimethyltryptamine, diphenylhexatriene, dipropyltryptamine, ethylenediamine, etilamfetamine, executive routine, facsimile machine, florence and the machine, hexachlorobenzene, hydroxytryptamine, isoalloxazine, kentucky wonder bean, levoamphetamine, lisdexamfetamine, mariya lasitskene, metallothionein, methylhexaneamine, mexican jumping bean, mimeograph machine, n-acetylcysteine, oxyacetylene, oxyphencyclimine, p-phenylenediamine, pararosaniline, perchloroethylene, phenoxybenzamine, phenylenediamine, phenylethylamine, phenyltoloxamine, phosphatidylserine, political machine, polyacetylene, polychlorocamphene, polyisobutene, rage against the machine, reinaldo marcus green, reusable routine, seawolf-class submarine, sonequa martin-green, sulfaquinoxaline, support-vector machine, tetrachlorethylene, tetrachloroethene, the edge of seventeen, trichloroethylene, triethanolamine, typhoon-class submarine, utility routine, vinylacetylene, viral vector vaccine, yasen-class submarine
acycloguanosine, al-anon/alateen, alpha-fetoprotein, alpha-lipoprotein, alphafetoprotein, apolipoprotein, astute-class submarine, azidothymidine, beta-lipoprotein, calculating machine, coelenterazine, conjugated protein, covid-19 vaccine, cyanoethylene, cyclohexylamine, deoxyguanosine, deoxythymidine, deoxyuridine, dextroamphetamine, dextropropoxyphene, dialysis machine, diathermy machine, dibenzothiazine, dicyclopentadiene, diethylaniline, diethyltryptamine, dihydroergotamine, diketopiperazine, dimethylaniline, dimethylhydrazine, dimethyltryptamine, diphenylhexatriene, dipropyltryptamine, ethylenediamine, etilamfetamine, executive routine, facsimile machine, florence and the machine, hexachlorobenzene, hydroxytryptamine, isoalloxazine, kentucky wonder bean, levoamphetamine, lisdexamfetamine, mariya lasitskene, metallothionein, methylhexaneamine, mexican jumping bean, mimeograph machine, n-acetylcysteine, oxyacetylene, oxyphencyclimine, p-phenylenediamine, pararosaniline, perchloroethylene, phenoxybenzamine, phenylenediamine, phenylethylamine, phenyltoloxamine, phosphatidylserine, political machine, polyacetylene, polychlorocamphene, polyisobutene, rage against the machine, reinaldo marcus green, reusable routine, seawolf-class submarine, sonequa martin-green, sulfaquinoxaline, support-vector machine, tetrachlorethylene, tetrachloroethene, the edge of seventeen, trichloroethylene, triethanolamine, typhoon-class submarine, utility routine, vinylacetylene, viral vector vaccine, yasen-class submarine
7 syllables:
3-fluorophenmetrazine, acetylglucosamine, alpha-methyltryptamine, aminoazobenzene, cyanoacetylene, cyanocobalamine, decahydronaphthalene, dehydronorketamine, deoxyadenosine, dideoxyinosine, diethylcarbamazine, diethylenetriamine, diethylnitrosamine, dimethylnitrosamine, dinitrochlorobenzene, dinitrofluorobenzene, electrostatic machine, gamma-l-glutamyl-l-cysteine, harkat-ul-mujahideen, hydroxyamphetamine, isorenieratene, levomethamphetamine, minneapolis-moline, monoethanolamine, monomethylhydrazine, n-formylmethionine, ohio-class submarine, p-aminoazobenzene, para-dichlorobenzene, paradichlorobenzene, phenyl-2-nitropropene, phenylpropanolamine, polyisobutylene, polyoxymethylene, regression toward the mean, ribonucleoprotein, selenomethionine, sulfachlorpyridazine, supervisory routine, tetrachloroethylene, tetrafluoroethylene, tetrahydrothiophene, thiodiphenylamine, virginia-class submarine
3-fluorophenmetrazine, acetylglucosamine, alpha-methyltryptamine, aminoazobenzene, cyanoacetylene, cyanocobalamine, decahydronaphthalene, dehydronorketamine, deoxyadenosine, dideoxyinosine, diethylcarbamazine, diethylenetriamine, diethylnitrosamine, dimethylnitrosamine, dinitrochlorobenzene, dinitrofluorobenzene, electrostatic machine, gamma-l-glutamyl-l-cysteine, harkat-ul-mujahideen, hydroxyamphetamine, isorenieratene, levomethamphetamine, minneapolis-moline, monoethanolamine, monomethylhydrazine, n-formylmethionine, ohio-class submarine, p-aminoazobenzene, para-dichlorobenzene, paradichlorobenzene, phenyl-2-nitropropene, phenylpropanolamine, polyisobutylene, polyoxymethylene, regression toward the mean, ribonucleoprotein, selenomethionine, sulfachlorpyridazine, supervisory routine, tetrachloroethylene, tetrafluoroethylene, tetrahydrothiophene, thiodiphenylamine, virginia-class submarine
8 syllables:
2-fluoromethamphetamine, 4-fluoroamphetamine, al pacino on stage and screen, arylcyclohexylamine, aspirin/paracetamol/caffeine, automated teller machine, automatic teller machine, bromodeoxyuridine, columbia-class submarine, dicyanoacetylene, dimethylethanolamine, hexamethylenediamine, isopropylbenzylamine, janssen covid-19 vaccine, los angeles-class submarine, mean deviation from the mean, n-acetylglucosamine, n-methylphenethylamine, n6-methyladenosine, pyridoxine/doxylamine, shortwave diathermy machine, sulfamethoxydiazine, triethylenemelamine
2-fluoromethamphetamine, 4-fluoroamphetamine, al pacino on stage and screen, arylcyclohexylamine, aspirin/paracetamol/caffeine, automated teller machine, automatic teller machine, bromodeoxyuridine, columbia-class submarine, dicyanoacetylene, dimethylethanolamine, hexamethylenediamine, isopropylbenzylamine, janssen covid-19 vaccine, los angeles-class submarine, mean deviation from the mean, n-acetylglucosamine, n-methylphenethylamine, n6-methyladenosine, pyridoxine/doxylamine, shortwave diathermy machine, sulfamethoxydiazine, triethylenemelamine
9 syllables:
2-fluorodeschloroketamine, 4-fluoromethamphetamine, auxiliary research submarine, diazooxonorleucine, dihydroxyphenylalanine, fleet ballistic missile submarine, ghum hai kisikey pyaar meiin, meta-chlorophenylpiperazine, microwave diathermy machine, moderna covid-19 vaccine, n-nitrosodimethylamine, novavax covid-19 vaccine, para-methoxyamphetamine, phosphatidylethanolamine, polytetrafluoroethylene, sputnik v covid-19 vaccine
2-fluorodeschloroketamine, 4-fluoromethamphetamine, auxiliary research submarine, diazooxonorleucine, dihydroxyphenylalanine, fleet ballistic missile submarine, ghum hai kisikey pyaar meiin, meta-chlorophenylpiperazine, microwave diathermy machine, moderna covid-19 vaccine, n-nitrosodimethylamine, novavax covid-19 vaccine, para-methoxyamphetamine, phosphatidylethanolamine, polytetrafluoroethylene, sputnik v covid-19 vaccine
10 syllables:
8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine, beta-methylamino-l-alanine, deoxyribonucleoprotein, dimethylaminopropylamine, p-dimethylaminoazobenzene, tetraacetylethylenediamine, tetramethylethylenediamine
8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine, beta-methylamino-l-alanine, deoxyribonucleoprotein, dimethylaminopropylamine, p-dimethylaminoazobenzene, tetraacetylethylenediamine, tetramethylethylenediamine
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