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Words and phrases that rhyme with dribble:   (45 results)

2 syllables:
bibble, chibbal, chibol, cibil, cibol, cribble, dibble, dibol, diboll, fribble, gibble, gribble, hibol, hybl, kibbel, kibble, kibell, nibble, pribble, pribyl, quibble, ribble, scribble, sibel, sibil, sibille, sibyl, sibyll, stibel, sybil, sybille, thribble, tribble, trible, tribull, twibil, twibill, wibble

3 syllables:
aglibol, bedribble, bescribble, biribol, posybl, przybyl

4 syllables:

Words and phrases that almost rhyme :   (72 results)

2 syllables:
twiddle, stickle, picul, diddle, triple, griddle, skittle, it'll, riddle, wriggle, squiggle, middle, chicle, whittle, sickle, strickle, cripple, piddle, spittle, fickle, higgle, ripple, prickle, nipple, wiggle, mickle, fipple, brittle, fiddle, trickle, stipple, niggle, tittle, jiggle, tickle, brickle, tical, little, giggle, nickel, tipple, pickle, kittul, pipal

3 syllables:
committal, transmittal, belittle, bass fiddle, remittal, acquittal, bull fiddle, dill pickle, a little, line triple, mispickel, sweet pickle

4 syllables:
peanut brittle, noncommittal, paradiddle, second fiddle, tarradiddle, cupronickel, in the middle, malcolm little, noncommital, nonremittal, quite a little, taradiddle

5 syllables:
little by little, hammer and sickle, even a little

6 syllables:
bread and butter pickle

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