Words and phrases that rhyme with dimmed: (29 results)
1 syllable:
-brimmed, -limbed, -rimmed, brimmed, hymned, immed, im dd, limbed, nimmed, primmed, rimmed, shimmed, skimmed, slimdx, slimmed, trimmed
-brimmed, -limbed, -rimmed, brimmed, hymned, immed, im dd, limbed, nimmed, primmed, rimmed, shimmed, skimmed, slimdx, slimmed, trimmed
2 syllables:
bedimmed, broad-brimmed, clean-limbed, gold-rimmed, horn-rimmed, long-limbed, loose-limbed, red-rimmed, sharp-limbed, undimmed, untrimmed
bedimmed, broad-brimmed, clean-limbed, gold-rimmed, horn-rimmed, long-limbed, loose-limbed, red-rimmed, sharp-limbed, undimmed, untrimmed
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (35 results)
2 syllables:
rescind, break wind, trade wind, north wind, downwind, chagrined, dark-skinned, get wind, short-winged, south wind, thick-skinned, thin-skinned, west wind
rescind, break wind, trade wind, north wind, downwind, chagrined, dark-skinned, get wind, short-winged, south wind, thick-skinned, thin-skinned, west wind
3 syllables:
broken wind, solar wind, breaking wind, amerind, chinook wind, double-chinned, gentle wind, northwest wind, with the wind
broken wind, solar wind, breaking wind, amerind, chinook wind, double-chinned, gentle wind, northwest wind, with the wind
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